Keith Olbermann

How Much Do People Hate The Intolerables Or Deplorables Or Whatever They're Called? Enough To Hunt Them Down?

Olbermann once all but insisted that the hard core Trump supporters all be rounded up and sent back to second or third grade to "start all over again." In the video above, from a few days ago, he's making a claim that normal Americans have as much right to be angry as these low-IQ intolerables do. He refers to these Trump supporters as "unthinking dolts...

Trump Is Likely To Go Crazy At The Debate Sunday

Trump doesn't necessarily believe in anything except Donald J. Trump. The world revolves around him and anything he might say at any given moment is simply a negotiating point. Republicans are already talking about how to clean up the party after he's crushed next month-- and who the 2020 nominee against Hillary will be. A Morning Consult poll released today, which surveyed GOP voters after the VP debate, shows Pence has made himself a top contender for the post-Trump GOP nomination.

Is He From Mars? Pence Will Have To Try To Make This Sound Normal Tonight

The other day, Keith Olbermann recorded a telling little segment about dogs and Trump. To anyone who's ever been a friend of a dog-- and who, besides Trump, hasn't been?-- it's bad enough on it's own. But when you look at it in a broader context, Trump's psychological unfitness for leadership, it becomes even more interesting.

Putin Would Be A Much Worse Problem For Trump Than Adderall Or Even Cocaine

A NYTimes intrepid team of reporters-- Patrick Healy, Ashley Parker and the indefatigable Maggie Haberman-- talked to a gaggle of Trump advisors who are tiptoeing through the mine-field of getting a little teensy-weensy pivot out of Trump about how he approaches debates. "A delicate approach to the candidate," they wrote, "is now in the works. Before his advisers can shape Mr. Trump’s performance for the next debate, on Oct. 9 in St.

What If Trump Wins? Would You Hide A Latino Family Or Muslim Refugees In Your House Once The Deportations Begin?

In today's NY Times Nick Kristof asked his readers whether they would have hidden a Jew from the Nazis. In the 1970s I lived in Amsterdam for nearly 4 years and passed the Anne Frank Huis-- now a museum-- on the Prinsegracht a few times a week. It was vaguely, a little circuitously, between my apartment on the Overtoom and my job at the meditation center on Prins Hendrikkade. It was built in 1635.

Trump’s Mental Health-- What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What is a Sociopath?

-by Helen KleinMuch has been said about Trump’s mental health, particularly of late. Indeed, his continuation of astonishing tweets and comments gives cause for alarm. The bells are ringing loudly! Unlike some earlier assurances that were made, Trump has not become “more presidential” as this election season has unfolded. Frighteningly, he has become increasingly and astoundingly less so.