Keith Olbermann

How Foreign Leaders-- Like, Say China-- Think They Can Use Trump's Greed and Stupidity To Take Advantage Of America

I'm pretty certain Elizabeth Warren's bill to force Trump to avoid conflicts of interest isn't going anywhere. The bill would force Trump (and Pence)-- and their spouses and dependent children-- to divest any financial assets that pose a conflict of interest and place the money into a blind trust.

Which Senate Democrats Will Be The Most Likely To Sell Out To Trump Most Often?

Painting by Attila Richard LukacsImagine you're a professional politician who's been striving for decades to get to the top of the heap. And then imagine that the Senate is the top of the heap. Say... nominal Democrat-- he's a Blue Dog-- Joe Donnelly, an unlikely freshman senator from Indiana, who should never have gotten into the Senate in the first place.

We're All Supposed To Pretend That This Is a Normal Man And That Was A Normal Election-- That Neither The Russians Nor The FBI Grabbed For Their Puppet?

It may be endlessly entertaining-- and even instructive-- to read about the discord in the Trump transition team, and Maddow certainly seems to have made it her beat, but the GOP knife fights, certainly part of Trump's managerial style, shouldn't take us away from the realistic goal we have to concentrate on: winning, winning, winning in 2018-- House seats and state legislative seats.

GOP Finger-Pointing Has Already Begun In Ernest-- Over Two Weeks Before Their Debacle At The Polls!

Keith Olbermann: "It has long been anticipated that the runaway train quality of the Trump campaign would eventually claim as its collateral damage all or most of the GOP and its leaders... To the Republican leaders I ask again, when will you disavow this anti-democratic demagogue? When will you defund him? When will you deny him?

Olbermann Tries Warning Les Déplorables: "You Know This Man, You Have Always Known This Man"

"The monster you see, is the monster you will get... Elect him and you are signing the death warrant to your own freedoms. Three weeks until that election and the leaders of one party are still chained, of their own volition, to the captain of the Titanic. Three weeks until that election and their candidate has shown himself, more and more, hour by hour, day by day, to be manifestly unstable, sexually criminal, deranged, bigoted and despotic. Yet, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, these so-called leaders have been given the choice between shame and loss of office.