Keith Olbermann

Are We Hypocrites? Does Anyone Remember Napalm?

-by Helen KleinWe used chemical weapons against civilians big time during the Vietnam War. How can we claim the moral high ground and use this as a justification to initiate bombing in yet another country? I love our country and the high ideals to which we aspire. But, let’s do so with our eyes open and learn from our mistakes.It is hard to watch the Syria situation unfold with anything but disbelief.

Bannon Makes His Move Against Ryan-- The Move To Boehnerize The Speaker Is On

Very specific definition of "comrade"According to NY Times reporter, Glenn Thrush, the very "idea that Trump worked hard to pass health care is a joke. He put in a semi-strenuous week-- spent little time on prep, drafting, per aides." Thrush isn't alone in that analysis. Amanda Carpenter is a professional right-wing nut. She used to write speeches for Jim DeMint and washed up in Ted Cruz's office when DeMint bailed ion the Senate.

With This DCCC, It Really Will Take An Electoral Tsunami To Win Back The House-- Here's Why

Not always that easy to tell who's worse, Crist (D) or Rohrabacher (R)Yesterday the House passed (246-176) a cockamamie bill by Tim Wahlberg (R-MI) called the Regulatory Integrity Act, the purpose of which is to prevent the public from finding out what rules are being worked on by federal agencies to protect the public.

You Can Now Bet Money That Trump Will Be Impeached-- Real Money, Not Bit-Coins-- And Bye-Bye, Michael Flynn

According to the latest Gallup tracking poll only 40% of Americans approve of the job that Trump is doing, while 55% disapprove. That 55% has been growing every week since Trump was sworn in. The numbers are unprecedented. He's the most disliked newly inaugurated president in American history.

Would You Work For A Fascist Regime?

According to Gallup, Trump's disapproval numbers continue to tick upwards every day. Yesterday it was at the unprecedented-- for a new president-- high of 50%. Today it's at 51%. It took Bush 3 years to turn over half the country against him; it took Trump a week. In England, in just a few hours, nearly a million people signed a petition demanding the government cancel his state visit to their country. [UPDATE: After two days, the petition had nearly two million signatures. Brits hate Trump.] That's a lot more people than went to his failed inauguration.