
Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick Used Accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorney, Debra Katz, to Get ‘Sexual Harassment’ Settlement

Things to ponder: Julie Swetnick waited three decades to report her allegations, just before the vote to confirm Kavanaugh; she did not report the gang rape parties to law enforcement; she was a young adult in college when she attended high school parties where she says the gang rapes occurred...

Big Day For Señor Trumpanzeer Yesterday

Good day for Trump yesterday? High ratings, certainly. Not ratings about quality-- rating as in eyeballs. But that's what he cares about. His UN thing (at the bottom of the post) was a doozy and that hour and a half long rambling vaudvillian press conference (above)... oy veh. Bragging, lies, bullshit...It's hard to watch him, to listen to him. It makes me sad for our country, especially that thing at the UN, the best part of which being when the world's leaders just laughed at his campaign-mode crap. Seth Meyers was better:Everybody who fact checks, fact checked his press conference.

5 Stories Nobody Is Talking About as the Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Unfolds

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — The media, Congress, and the American people continue to fix to their attention on Brett Kavanaugh and today’s hearings regarding allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him. While these are serious issues and should not be taken lightly, there are numerous other developments that are falling by the wayside as the national conversation remains […]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe latest statistics from RAINN (The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network), show us that 1 in 6 women has been a victim of rape. 70% of rape cases go unreported, either at the time or until much later if at all, and 99% of rape perps go free. All of this relates closely to the desire of Trumpanzee and his Republican Party to put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.