
Kanshiram and the idea of Counter-public Sphere

The counter-public sphere is contrary to power, domination, and hierarchical structure. It has emerged with a task to develop a different mode of public discourse in a complex society. The counter-public sphere appears as a new and different space wherein the representation of the ‘self’ and re-presentation of new ‘world view’ or standpoint to ‘others’ perpetuates with self identity. Fraser[Read More...]

The Importance Of Being Kanshiram

Will BSP nurture budding young Ambedkarite or become a family party ? Today we remember a great social scientist of India who changed the nature of politics and political movement in India. Whatever the brahmanical elite may say about him, late Kanshiram influenced the Indian polity more than anyone else in mid 1980s and the impact is still felt but[Read More...]