
Special Election Reports: Kansas And Georgia... Referendums On Trump

Tuesday-- in 2 days-- is the first of the special elections to replace the members of Congress Trump drafted into his Regime. In this case it's for the Wichita-based seat that was held by Koch Brothers-owned Mike Pompeo. The seat is hopelessly red. Hopelessly. Kansas state Treasurer Ron Estes will face off against progressive Democrat Jim Thompson, who beat the Republican-lite candidate, Dennis McKinney, to become the Democratic nominee. He's been endorsed by OurRevolution.

The Will Of The Voters Be Damned-- Republicans Still Aren't Done Trying To Kill The Affordable Care Act

Republicans are hoping voters already forgot thisKansas has mostly been a one-party state in contemporary politics. Their entire congressional delegation is Republican. All 6 statewide elected officers are Republicans and the state legislature-- blood red. Of the 125 House members, only 40 are Democrats and in the state Senate-- 40 members and just 9 lonely Democrats. And yet...

How Badly Has Paul Ryan Screwed Up The GOP's Chance To Repeal Obamacare?

The other day, Alex Samuels reported in the Texas Tribune that Barbara Bush, the daughter of George W. Bush, was the keynote speaker at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in Ft. Worth on Wednesday, where she insisted that the work the organization is doing is especially important after the ascension of the Trump Regime.

Trump's Crazy Extremist Candidate Loses In Kansas GOP Contest For Open House Seat

EstesWith Koch Bros. Congressman Mike Pompeo now ensconced at the CIA, there's an April 11th special election to fill his KS-04 seat, a blood red (R+14) district that takes up the south-central part of the state and is centered on Sedgwick County (Wichita). In 2008, McCain won the district with 59% and 4 years later Romney won it with 62%. This past November, Trump beat Hillary in the district, 60.2% to 33.0%.

Kansas Deputy Tasers 91-year-old Man with Alzheimer’s for Refusing to go to Doctor

A Kansas sheriff’s deputy was caught on video tasering a 91-year-old man with Alzheimer’s because he would not go to the doctor.
The Ottawa County sheriff’s deputies also handcuffed the man so hard that his wrist broke.
The incident also weakened the man’s heart, family members said, resulting in his death two months later.
The incident took place in March in a Minneapolis nursing home, but body cam footage was not released until Thursday.