
North Carolina 22nd state to pass anti-BDS legislation promoted by Israel lobby groups

Still taken from JBSTV news report June 29, 2017 By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | July 8, 2017 The pro-Israel campaign in state legislatures against boycotting Israel just scored another victory in North Carolina. Last month corresponding bills were passed in Nevada, Ohio, and Kansas. Similar laws are also being passed in U.S. cities […]

More Anti-Choice Democrats Sneaking Under The Flaps Of The Big Tent

Svaty and Perriello-- women aren't safeMany progressives were upset the Tom Perriello lost the Virginia gubernatorial nomination— and pretty handily-- to Lt. Governor Ralph Northam, 276,734 (55.5%) to 221,777 (44.5%). During the primary campaign, Northam raised $6,465,581.36 and Perriello raised $4,089,566.22. Northam is a pretty standard conservative Southern Democrat but claims too have moved left in recent years.

Kansas Bar Shooter Who Mistook Indian For Iranian Faces Hate Crime Charges

Adam Purinton, charged in the Olathe Austins bar shootings, appears in Division 8 at the Johnson County District Courthouse in Olathe, Kan. (David Eulitt/The Kansas City Star)
Adam Purinton, the suspect in a February shooting at an Olathe, Kansas, bar, now faces federal hate crime charges, the Justice Department announced Friday.
A grand jury indicted Purinton, 52, for shooting and killing Srinivas Kuchibhotla due to his race, color, religion, and national origin.
He was also charged with the attempted murder of Alok Madasani for the same reasons.

Unless A Supine GOP Stops Him, Trump Will Do To America What Brownback Did To Kansas

You know how states are supposed to be petri dishes for new ideas? Long before the federal government was looking into protecting consumers from predatory mortgage banksters, Assemblyman (and then state Senator) Ted Lieu was hammering out and passing controversial legislation that did just that in California.

Why The GOP Establishment Still Backs Trump: He Advances Their Outrageous Agenda-- Like Voter Suppression

Yesterday Trumped signed one of his cockamamie executive orders-- ruling by decree-- that establishes a commission to investigate his baseless claims of alleged voter fraud. Worse yet, crackpot Kansas racist and xenophobe Kris Kobach has already been telling people that Trump picked him to head the commission (although he's actually doing it as vice-chair under Pence).

Kansas Cop Kills Army Veteran’s Service Dog, then Issues him Two Citations

A Kansas cop shot and killed the service dog of an army veteran who suffers from PTSD on Thursday, according to the Daily Haze.
Augusta police officer Devon Keith says he was forced to shoot Alan Fitzgerald’s dog “Midnite” claiming the dog charged an animal control officer after ramming a door until it opened – making the animal control officer fear for his life.

With Less Than A Week To Go, Republicans Are Turning Their Big Guns Towards Georgia Now

Last night James Thompson, a progressive Democrat ignored-- as progressive Democrats tend to be-- by the DCCC and the rest of the corrupted Democratic DC Establishment, came close to winning a congressional seat in a beet red Kansas district. Had the DCCC helped fund Thompson's race, he would likely have won-- as he did in Sedgwick County, the biggest county in the district. Many Democratic activists are excited because-- with no establishment help at all-- Thompson closed the gap since November from Trump's 27 point win over Hillary to just 7 points.

Fighting Trump-- Even Where The DC Democrats Refuse

This morning I read that despite the DCCC ignoring the Rob Quist congressional race in Montana, Bernie says he's willing to go campaign for him there. Remember, although Montanans went for Trump over Hillary last november Bernie won Montana 274,120 (56.5%) to 174,521 (36.0%), Sanders won the Montana primary 51.1% to 44.6% and his brand of progressive populism is still very popular in the state.