Justin Trudeau

Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau freezes up during North Korea speech (Video)

Canadian Prime Minster (and Rolling Stone magazine pick for US President…see below) Justin Trudeau froze during a speech about the crisis unfolding in North Korea.
North Korea seems to have strange effects on world leaders.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on… umm.
North Korea.
Umm. pic.twitter.com/kcfapOGZj7
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) August 10, 2017

Canada Is Enabling the Saudis to Kill Activists and Nobody Is Talking About It

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — The Canadian government is investigating reports that Saudi Arabia is using armored vehicles made in Canada against its own civilians, the Guardian reports.
At least five people have been killed in recent days as Saudi Arabia reportedly uses Canadian equipment to crack down on “minority Shia dissidents” in eastern Saudi Arabia, according to the Guardian.

Canada: Supporting Barrick Gold’s Exploitation of Mineral Resources in Tanzania

Will the Canadian government continue to support Barrick Gold’s exploitation of mineral resources in Tanzania no matter what abuses the company commits?
Would the Trudeau government stop backing the Toronto-based firm if it bilked the impoverished nation out of $10 billion? Or, what if one thousand people were raped and seriously injured by Barrick security? Would Ottawa withdraw its support if one hundred Tanzanians were killed at its mines?

US Army soldier injured in Omar Khadr firefight BLASTS Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau (Video)

Yesterday The Duran reported on the Omar Khadr settlement case, and subsequent apology, that plagues Trudeau’s administration.
Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is facing very strong backlash over his governments’ decision to pay over $10.5 million ($8 million USD) to Omar Khadr, and then offer an apology to the former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, who killed US Army Sgt Christopher Speer in 2002.

Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, apologizes to Taliban fighter, then hands him $8 million

Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, if facing strong backlash over his governments’ decision to hand over $10.5 million ($8 million USD) to Omar Khadr, and then offer an apology to the former Guantanamo Bay prisoner.
Khadr fought against coalition forces in Afghanistan as a 15 year old boy, before being sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Trump publicly denigrates Canadian prime minister at G20 (VIDEO)

As the Hamburg G20 wraps up its second day, the main event has no doubt been the much anticipated first tete-a-tete between Russian president Vladimir Putin and US president Donald Trump.
But while Trump clearly showed great respect for Putin, he apparently has much less regard for Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau.
Just prior to the start of a plenary session with all the G20 leaders, Trump struck up a conversation Brazil’s president Michel Temer, asking “How’s Brazil doing?

The Ugly Canadian II: Justin Trudeau’s Foreign Policy

When Justin Trudeau looks in the foreign policy mirror who does he see? Someone very much like Stephen Harper.
On the world stage Canada under Trudeau the Second has acted almost the same as when Harper was prime minister. The Liberals have followed the previous government’s posture on issues ranging from militarism to Russia, nuclear weapons to the Gulf monarchies.

Is Trudeau Moving To The Far Right?

This afternoon (Thursday, May 18, 2017) CBC’s Power and Politics host Hannah Thibedeau hosted ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk (“ex” as in being forced out of the current Poroshenko government). Apparently Yats has been traipsing around western political circles looking for support for his neoNazi anti-Russian stance in the Ukraine. Support for this would obviously be easy to find in[Read More...]