Judge Ruehlman

Cincinnati Judge Cruelly Sentences Teen Who Took Photos 6 Months in Jail for Contempt

A Cincinnati judge probably handed down a cruel and unusual punishment to a teenager for taking one last photograph of a friend at a pre-trial hearing.
Eighteen-year-old man Daymar Whitehead angered Ohio Judge Robert Ruehlman when he took smart phone pictures of deputies escorting his friend down the courthouse hallway from his bond reduction hearing.
“Free Maleik!”
Whitehead gave a shout out to his friend, and then took photos of his pal Maleik in the hallway with deputies as they took him away.
Hamilton County Courthouse Deputies then arrested him.

Cincinnati Judge Cruelly Sentences Teen Who Took Photos 6 Months in Jail for Contempt

A Cincinnati judge probably handed down a cruel and unusual punishment to a teenager for taking one last photograph of a friend at a pre-trial hearing.
18-year-old man Daymar Whitehead angered Ohio Judge Robert Ruehlman when he took smart phone pictures of deputies escorting his friend down the courthouse hallway from his bond reduction hearing.
“Free Maleik!”
Whitehead gave a shout out to his friend, and then took photos of his pal Maleik in the hallway with deputies as they took him away.
Hamilton County Courthouse Deputies then arrested him.