
The Demonic Possession of Judas & The Trinity: John 13-16 – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Continuing the lectures on the Gospel of John, we delve deeper into the Biblical texts that are crucial for the Trinity and the Inter-Trinitarian life of the Persons.  Orthodox theology alone has the correct conceptual tools and frameworks and metaphysical distinctions that explain how the Triad is coherent.  The chapters of John we will […]

Resist the Duopoly: Because Judas’s Party Can’t Defeat Trump’s

Author’s Note: This is the second and final part of my call-to-arms series “The REAL Trump Resistance: An Anti-Duopoly Occupy.” Given the importance I attach to its message, it’s written to be understood on its own. But for still deeper understanding—especially for supporters of third parties—please read Part 1.
REAL Anti-Trump Resistance: Grassroots War on Our Diseased Duopoly