
No More Teddy Roosevelts in The GOP-- and Too Few Franklin Roosevelts Among The Beltway Democrats

Last night I was watching a PBS showing of Ken Burns' The Roosevelts-- An Intimate History, when J.P. Morgan's ugly mug popped up on the screen. A social parasite who our political elites failed to protect society from, Morgan blurted out, "I owe the public nothing" ... which is pretty much the way Wall Street still feels. Today's Republicans are not Teddy Roosevelt and they are not going to hold to fire to the feet of predators like Morgan. Alas, neither are most Beltway Democrats.

Banks Say “Thanks for the Bailout,” Now We’ll Park our Profits in Overseas Tax Havens

By Steve Straehley | AllGov | March 16, 2015 Giant financial institutions that benefitted from federal bailouts during the depths of the recession have repaid the American people’s largesse by hiding profits overseas to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. According to a report (pdf) commissioned by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), four big banks—Citigroup, […]

JPMorgan Executives Caught Stealing Millions From California Electricity Users

If you watched the History Channel series, The Men Who Built America you may recall that JP Morgan backed Thomas Edison and made a bid to control the electric industry in America. The clip above is just an introduction and doesn't go into Morgan's ruthlessness. Today JP Morgan is an even more powerful Wall Street firm than the founder could have ever imagined-- and, once again, ruthless in its quest to make money from electricity.