Jovenel Moise

The Ochelli Effect – 2021 Media Sludge Reports

From Ochelli.comWhat is going on in the world of allegedly informative media? Mike Swanson discussed the landscape of digital and physical media products and bi-products. Changes to Mike’s website and the pitfalls of encouraging audience participation are examined in the first hour. Despite the difficulties, we still encourage thoughtful listener feedback. Pearse Redmond talked about […]

Urgent Solidarity with Haiti is Needed

A long-brewing crisis in Haiti, created through intervention by the United States, United Nations and allied western imperialist countries, has now come to a head. The Biden administration is openly backing a violent, corrupt and fraudulent leader, Jovenel Moïse, and maintaining the policies of previous presidents, including Donald Trump, in Haiti. Activists in Haiti have […]

‘No to Dictatorship’: Why Haitians are protesting US-backed Moïse

As tens of thousands of Haitians defy repression to protest Jovenel Moïse’s power grab, the Biden administration’s support for Moïse continues a long US tradition of backing right-wing autocrats and undermining Haiti’s popular movements. Haitian president Jovenel Moïse has cracked down on a wave of popular protest as he tries to cling to power. While tens of thousands of Haitians have taken to the streets in the face of government repression, the Biden administration is backing Moïse’s effort to remain […]

“Stop Interfering in Our Lives”: Haitians Protesters Condemn US Support for Dictator

Protests in Haiti have led to hundreds of deaths yet have drawn little attention in the west, thanks in large part to its strongman leaders’ continued loyalty to the United States. 
The post “Stop Interfering in Our Lives”: Haitians Protesters Condemn US Support for Dictator appeared first on MintPress News.

Will any MPs criticize Ottawa’s Support for Dictatorship in Haiti?

The Liberals’ commitment to a neo-Duvalierist dictatorship in Haiti is being tested. Hopefully Black History Month offers opposition parties an opportunity to finally echo growing grassroots criticism of Canadian policy in the hemisphere’s poorest country. Since Monday a squatter has been occupying the presidential palace in Port-au-Prince. On Sunday evening Supreme Court Justice Joseph Mecene […]

Biden admin smears Nicaragua as ‘dictatorship’ for forcing US-funded, coup-plotting NGOs to register as foreign agents

Nicaragua’s elected leftist government passed a law requiring NGOs funded by outside governments to register as foreign agents, so a CIA agent-turned-Biden State Department spokesman smeared it as “driving toward dictatorship” — despite the policy’s similarity to US legislation. Since Nicaragua’s socialist Sandinista Front returned to power through democratic elections in 2006, the United States government has poured many millions of dollars into right-wing opposition groups in the Central American country. These US-funded NGOs have aimed to destabilize the government […]

Haïti au bord du précipice en raison des ravages du coronavirus et des dirigeants imposés par les États-Unis

Alors que le gouvernement d’Haïti, soutenu par les États-Unis et largement méprisé, encourage officiellement la distanciation sociale pour restreindre la…
The post Haïti au bord du précipice en raison des ravages du coronavirus et des dirigeants imposés par les États-Unis appeared first on The Grayzone.

Haiti on this Earthquake Anniversary Still Pays the Price for Having Fought Slavery

One would think that, now that the despised 14-year long United Nations Mission for the (de)Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH) has been forced to shut down, Haiti would be on the road to some modest, sustained, recovery from the devastating January 12, 2010 earthquake. It is not. The Republic of Haiti has never been in greater danger than it is now.