Journalists Under Seige

New Video of Florida Cops Arresting Journalists for Covering Justice for Corey Jones Rally Emerges

Florida cops arrested journalists for covering a Justice for Corey Jones rally in the public areas surrounding the Palm Beach County Courthouse last week.
In the new video originally published by the Daily Haze on Thursday, which you can see below, it shows that in addition to arresting the media, police forced protesters off of public property and refused to identify themselves too.
Some of the unlawfully arrested journalists wearing press passes were stoic.
Others can be seen openly weeping as police conducted their mass arrest.

Florida Sheriff Trashes First Amendment in Video, Demands Photographers Leave “Expanding Crime Scene”

A Florida sheriff took the law into her own hands, using unlawful excuses to expand a crime scene to exclude journalists from a crime scene.
The Palm Beach Sheriff’s deputy was caught on camera in two videos you can see below demanding that photographers cease taking images or video in without any lawful authority.
Detective Amanda Pfeifle of south Florida’s Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office yelled at a local journalist, ordering him not to take pictures of a crime scene, directly violating the First Amendment.

South Florida Cops Tell PINAC Correspondent Photography is a Crime

I was taking photos of a sign outside the Homestead city council meeting in South Florida this month when a police officer named John Edward Frank informed me that I was forbidden from taking his photo – even though I had no interest in photographing him in the first place.
So I started video recording him instead.
What else did he expect considering I was wearing my Photography is Not a Crime t-shirt?

Florida School Board Attorney Tried to Persuade Prosecutor to File Felony Wiretapping Charges Against PINAC Reporter

Behind closed doors in secret meetings, an attorney for a Florida school board appears to have met with a local state attorney in the hopes to pursue felony criminal charges against PINAC reporter Jeff Gray.
According to emails recently obtained through a public records request, it was revealed that St. Johns County School Board Frank Upchurch III planned a meeting with State Attorney R.J. Larizza in the hopes of keeping Gray from exercising his Constitutional rights to record public officials as well as to obtain public records.

New York Cop Block Activist Dead In Mexico of Drug Overdose, Was Fugitive with Girlfriend

New York Cop Block activist turned fugutive Adam Rupeka was found dead in Tijuana, Mexico this week.
Rupeka ran away with his girlfriend Jennifer Ogden on Easter weekend, claiming persecution related to a nasty divorce after Troy Police charged him and his girlfriend with unwanted sexual contact with a 15-year old minor.

New York Cop Block Activist Flees USA, Fears Persecution for Policing the Police

Cop Block author and activist Adam Rupeka has fled the United States fearing persecution for his police accountability videos and writing.
He stated his fears in a 39 second YouTube video, which can be seen below, and is posted on his Capitol Cop Block channel promising a further update.
“I am now on the run for my life, and this is all because of everything that I’ve exposed police doing,” said Rupeka.

WATCH: Houston Federal Marshal Tries to Snatch Camera from Citizen Journalist Who Was Assaulted by 2nd Agent

“You’re about to go to jail for being a dumb-ass,” said a Houston Federal Agent Calderon to PINAC citizen journalist David Warden.
Boy, was he wrong.
The Houston Federal Court Security Agent assaulted PINAC correspondent David Warden when he lawfully recorded outside of a Federal Courthouse on its sidewalk.
Just three minutes after Warden began recording in the video below which is going viral, a Federal “Court Security Agent” assaulted the citizen journalist on a public sidewalk, while demanding his identification.

UN Jails Journalist In Solitary All Easter Weekend for Revealing Inconvenient Truth

A French journalist revealed the truth about war crimes, and was arrested by the UN this past week at The Hague.
She wrote a news article and book which earned a contempt of court sentence, handed down by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which is now run by the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, as you can read about in the PDF below.