Josh King

In A Big Win For Civil Rights, Courts Move Two Anti-Gerrymandering Cases Forward

by Josh King,candidate, Virginia House of DelegatesIn 2015 I ran for the Virginia House of Delegates and lost by 125 votes – just 1%. I’m running again this year and the Republican incumbent dropped out, making this an open seat and Virginia Democrats' best chance to flip a district from red to blue.

Resisting Trump By Fighting Racial Gerrymandering And Taking Back State Legislatures-- Like In Virginia

As we've been explaining, Republicans hold a record number of state legislative seats right now. This is not because more people vote for them. Democrats aren't losing elections, as the so-called Democrat Jim Webb asserted on Meet the Press Sunday, because Democrats are too focused on "identity politics" or because we’ve moved too far to the left. This is because Republicans prevent people from voting and racially gerrymander statehouses across the country.