
Our Mutual Fight: The Case against Pakistani Normalization with Israel   

The Pakistani government should never, under any circumstances and no matter the pressure, normalize with Israel. Doing so is not only dangerous – as it will embolden an already vile, racist, violent apartheid Israel – but it would also be considered a betrayal of a historic legacy of mutual solidarity, collective affinity and brotherhood that […]

Syrian refugees flee as their tents are torched in Lebanon

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator On December 26, hundreds of Syrian refugees fled their refugee camp in the Miniyeh region near the coastal city of Tripoli in north Lebanon after their tents were burned when fighting broke out between local youths and camp residents.  At least three were injured in the incident said Khaled Kabarra, a […]

How Gulf States became Business Partners in Israel’s Occupation

The professed rationale for the recent Abraham Accords, so-called “peace deals” signed with Israel by the UAE and Bahrain, was to stymie Israeli efforts to annex swaths of the West Bank. The aim was supposedly to neutralise another “peace” plan – one issued early this year by US President Donald Trump’s administration – that approved […]

“Long Live the (Dead) Peace Process”: Abbas Prioritizes US Ties over Palestinian National Unity 

No one seemed as excited about the election of Joe Biden being the next President of the United States as Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas. When all hope seemed lost, where Abbas found himself desperate for political validation and funds, Biden arrived like a conquering knight on a white horse and swept the Palestinian leader […]

The Threat of Annexation is far from Over

Annexation by Israel of occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank was never likely to happen on July 1, as many observers assumed. The date was not a deadline; it was a window opened by the Israeli government to carry out annexation before US President Donald Trump leaves office.
Unhappily for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that window could slam shut in a matter of months, if current polling trends continue and Trump loses the presidential election in November.

Storms Return to Syria's SouthWest- Der'a: Israel & Jordan Are Watching: Likely Actively, Very Actively

I came across the report that will be the last link in this post It's a very telling report from Carnegie Middle East Yup, back where it all started. So many have forgotten this fact. It wasn't forgotten here.  The destabilization did not begin with Turkey. It began with Israel and Jordan in that part of Syria that is surrounded by both those nations. Surrounded and infiltrated.And if you pay attention you will see that the Muslim Brotherhood from Jordan played a major role.