Jonathan Chait

Trump's Going To Lose In 2020-- Badly

Democratic Hopefuls by Nancy OhanianTomorrow the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on whether or not to subpoena the Mueller report. Despite the House having voted 420-0 to urge Barr to release the report-- and despite the fact that polls consistently show that something like 75% of American voters want to see the full report, I can predict the exact vote tomorrow.

Trump In The White House Absolutely Predicts A Recession-- The Question Is Just How Soon

The Obama administration worked hard to turn the economy around after Trump inherited an economy that would have been a dream for any president. He immediately set out to sabotage it and, unfortunately, his policies are finally kicking in strongly enough to wreck everything that Obama did to right the economy Bush left him-- and us. But before we get into Trump's disastrous policies, one little note: his utter and complete lack of leadership abilities are working hand in hand with bad policy to bring down the economy.


Early yesterday, Beto did what everyone knew he was going to do: jumped into the presidential race. There's an outstanding moment in the beginning of his announcement video that makes the case for why voters should pick Bernie: "This moment of peril produces, perhaps, the greatest moment of promise for this country and for everyone inside of it." If that "moment of promise" is, for you, based on a policy agenda, Bernie-- and perhaps, Elizabeth Warren are the candidates to get serious about. If that "moment of promise" is about some amorphous airy-fairy bullshit... there's State Quo Joe...

A National Calamity: There's A Family Of Grifters In The White House

Closing In by Nancy OhanianWithin moments of Elizabeth Warren's inspiring speech in Lawrence yesterday, announcing her 2020 presidential campaign, a Trump spokesperson was on the attack with the name-calling and negativity, calling her a fraud and claiming "the American people will reject her dishonest campaign and socialist

If We're LUCKY, Trump's Economy Will End In Recession, Not Something Worse

Former California Congressman David Dreier (R) could've been a contender. Except for the homophobia. Closet case Denny Hastert, then GOP speaker, named him Majority Leader for half an hour, but when the House Republican leaders started melting down over the "gay thing," Hastert relented and gave it to a perpetually tanned alcoholic instead. Poor Dreier; he worked so hard before bumping into a glass ceiling he never imagined would end his career.

The GOP's Only Path To Victory: Flood The Airwaves With Negative Ads So People Get Disgusted And Don't Vote

This year, the Republicans will do anything-- and apparently everything-- to avoid talking about issues. (Unless you consider the Ron DeSantis ad above-- yes that is a real ad than ran on television statewide in Florida-- an "issues" ad.) Kara Eastman and Beto O'Rourke had punk rock bands in high school and college. Jared Golden got a tattoo (with his unit fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan). Beto also skateboards and likes women with dyed hair... and eats BBQ-ed tofu... This is all crazy.

White House Push-Back Against Woodward's Book Is... Pretty Anemic

The Diplomat by Nancy OhanianYou may have noticed that yesterday, Bob Woodward's book leaked and some of Trump's top aides made some very disparaging remarks about his stupidity and his character that make him sound as unfit for any office as many of us suspected all along.Although many of the people Woodward interviewed, like Gary Cohn, Reince Priebus, Rob Porter, John

Who Does Putin Own More Thoroughly, Rohrabacher Or Trumpanzee-- And, No We're Not Discussing Nunes Today

Yesterday, Josh Marshall brought up the June 14, 2016 incidents again-- it can never be brought often frequently enough... the one where GOP House Majority Leader blurts out that Putin is paying off Trump and Rohrabacher... "so help me God." My favorite part of this story-- other than the pays offs themselves-- is how Ryan and McCarthy tried to cover it up and kept changing their stories as the Washington Post closed in on them and finally revealed they had a tape. Oops!