Jon Ossoff

April Is Going To Be A Busy Month For House Special Elections

Governors are setting the dates for special congressional elections to replace congressmen who have been drafted for other jobs. Most of them are to replace Members who are joining Team Trump but the first contest-- April 4-- is in L.A., where one of the deepest blue districts in the whole country (Trump only got 10.7% of the vote there) will select a replacement for Xavier Becerra, who was tapped by Gov.

In November, GA-06 Nearly Went For Clinton-- Are They Ready To Replace Tom Price With Progressive Democrat Jon Ossoff?

The psychopath in the video above-- oh, watch this-- is Donald Bolena, Jr., one of the Republicans running for the GA-06 suburban Atlanta congressional seat that Tom Price is giving up if he's confirmed to be Trump's Secretary of Health. He was a big Trump advocate and his is what the American conservative mind has devolved into after years of Hate Talk Radio and Fox News. He calls himself Donnie.