Jon Ossoff

Special Election Reports: Kansas And Georgia... Referendums On Trump

Tuesday-- in 2 days-- is the first of the special elections to replace the members of Congress Trump drafted into his Regime. In this case it's for the Wichita-based seat that was held by Koch Brothers-owned Mike Pompeo. The seat is hopelessly red. Hopelessly. Kansas state Treasurer Ron Estes will face off against progressive Democrat Jim Thompson, who beat the Republican-lite candidate, Dennis McKinney, to become the Democratic nominee. He's been endorsed by OurRevolution.

Trump's In A Deep Hole-- But Can The Democrats Capitalize On The Opportunity?

The battle to take back America starts now-- in L.A. and Georgia-- Ossoff and GomezIn a Washingtron Post OpEd yesterday, Michael Gershon wrote "This is a pretty bad combination: empty, easily distracted, vindictive, shallow, impatient, incompetent and morally small. This is not the profile of a governing party…It is now dawning on Republicans what they have done to themselves.

Campaign E-Mails... Again

And the prize for worst e-mail campaign in the history of the known universe goes to...I've been getting bombarded with angry e-mails from Blue America members who say they are being "assaulted" and "abused" by Jon Ossoff's campaign in the GA-06 special election. Blue America endorsed Ossoff for several reasons-- including his policy positions-- and we stand by that endorsement.

Bernie's Revolution Has Taken Off And Could Help Power Democrats Into Congressional Wins Despite A Hopeless DCCC

This morning we looked at a new bill introduced this week by Ro Khanna and Beto O'Rourke that would end the pervasive influence of PACs on Congress. It's another example of how Democrats are getting behind Bernie Sanders' most salient ideas. Ro Khanna endorsed Bernie during the 2016 cycle and Beto O'Rourke had endorsed Hillary.

GA-06 Special Election Is 3 Weeks From Today-- And Ossoff Leads Either GOP Front-Runner

DEADLY for GOP candidatesThe first round of voting to replace Trump's HHS Secretary Tom Price-- the man who bears a great deal of responsibility for TrumpCare-- is exactly 3 weeks from today, April 18. Georgia's 6th congressional district isn't a district the DCCC ever looks at. They never recruit candidates there and never back local Democrats who run-- NEVER (like in not ever).

Holland Used Paper Ballots To Foil Putin But, Despite Hacking, Georgia Refuses To Do Likewise

Holland was smart. They chucked their electronic voting system this week and everyone voted using paper ballots after Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear were caught trying to hack into electronic voting equipment the way they did in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and Ohio, putting Trump over the top.

Can A Democrat Win In GA-06? Let's Look At Lindsey Graham's Clemson Town Hall

Minutes ago CNN released a new poll showing 45% of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job and 52% disapprove. 65% of Americans feel there is a need for an independent special prosecutor to be appointed to get to the bottom of Putin-Gate and 32% feel the Republican-controlled is capable of handling it. There is no state or even regional breakdown, so we don't know how people feel about Trump and Putin-Gate in either up-country South Carolina or in the Atlanta suburbs.

Resistance Has Many Forms-- From Refusing To Work For The Fascist Regime To Voting Out Its Enablers

Showing up at congressional town hall meetings is sending a powerful message congressmembers are hearing. Marching and demonstrating against Trump and Trumpism is sending a message they're hearing as well. Supporting the voices of the Resistance inside Congress is another way of sending a strong, clear message.