
Why Doesn't Gwen Graham Just Switch Parties And Run As A "Moderate" Republican-- Which Is What She's Always Been?

Bipartisan love-- And #MeToo GrahamGwen Graham is eating Patrick Murphy's lunch... again. When they served in Congress together, briefly thankfully, Murphy was always the second worst Florida Democrat-- in a delegation filled with garbage like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Alcee Hastings and Corrine Brown, currently serving in a federal penitentiary on basic corruption charges.

Patrick Murphy And David Jolly Want To Insert Third Way Into The Florida Governor's Race

Patrick Murphy's papa bought him a congressional seat in the West Palm area (FL-18) in 2012. It was incredibly close but Murphy had a perfect foil-- lunatic fringe neo-fascist Allen West. Even Murphy looked almost like a lesser of two evils. Murphy's father started a PAC, American Sunrise, and financed his ne'rer-do-well son with $118,578. Sensing thew kind of DINO they love, the DCCC put in another $548,517.

Florida Republican David Jolly: "Is the Republic Safer If Democrats Take Over The House In 2018?"

One of the worst of the 2016 Democratic freshmen-- worst in terms of his GOP-aligned voting record-- is Charlie Crist, former Republican, former governor of Florida, current terrible congressman from St Petersburg. He won last year by beating incumbent David Jolly 184,693 (51,9%) to 171,149 (48.1%).

The Establishment Plot To Insert Paul Ryan As The Republican Party Presidential Nominee

Few of the growing number of Republicans opposing Trumpf say their opposition is rooted in what's good for the country. It's about what's good for the fucked-up political party they share with him-- albeit uneasily-- that spawned him in the first place. I don't recall ever seeing so many elected officials from a party saying they will not support a candidate if he's their party's official nominee.

In The Florida Senate Race, Conservatives David Jolly And Patrick Murphy Are Wall Street's Two Peas In A Pod

We've said it before but others are catching on now too: if Florida Democrats vote to nominate conservative New Dem Patrick Murphy in March, they will have essentially no substantive choice in November. Murphy has far more in common politically with lkely GOP nominee, David Jolly, than he does with progressive Alan Grayson.

If Florida Voters Want Another Senator Like Marco Rubio They Can Elect David Jolly Or Patrick Murphy

It must be frustrating for Alan Grayson, in his run for the open Florida Senate seat that Rubio is giving up-- see the clip of Grayson above explaining Rubio's dreadful Senate record to Chris Hayes-- to have Wall Street's Senator, Chuck Schumer, pushing Wall Street's favorite candidate in the primary, "former" Republican Patrick Murphy.

Grayson On The New McCarthyism: You're Not Supposed To Use Taxpayer Funds For A Political Witch Hunt

Sensibly, the New York Times is now calling for Congress to shut down the Benghazi Committee, as have many Members of Congress, including Rules Committee ranking member Louise Slaughter. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando went one step further and filed an ethics complaint today against Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Benghazi Committee chairman Trey Gowdy.