John Roberts

Did Chief Justice Roberts go a bit too far in explaining why judges are different from all other elected officials?

Chief "Smirkin' John": Too clever for his own good?by KenAs Daily Kos's Adam B writes in a fine post on yesterday's Supreme Court ruling that Florida can indeed bar judicial candidates from personally soliciting campaign funds, the ruling "stunned many Court observers -- certainly including me."Even in retrospect, it looks to have been a ho-hum Ro

Our clown Supreme Court takes on the bogus challenge to Obamacare -- and makes believe it's legitimate!

Justice "Slow Anthony" Kennedy: "At least," says Ian Millhiser, "one of the Court’s Republicans appears to have come to work wearing his judicial robe, and not his partisan hat."by KenAll in all, I'm inclined to go along with Greg Sargent's estimate of yesterday's Supreme Court oral arguments on King v. Burwell: "A hint of good news for Obamacare, but don’t get your hopes up too much." King v.

"McCutcheon": a new Roberts Court buzzword to go with "Citizens United"

This is the freest danged speech you ever will see!"Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government."-- Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders"I am concerned that today's ruling may represent the latest step in an effort by a majority of the Court to dismantle entirely the longstanding structure of campaign finance law erected to limit the undue influence of special interests on American politics."-- Arizona Republican Sen.

The FISA court, our supposed guardian against abuse of national-security surveillance, sez "Who, us?"

Judge Walton says: "The FISC is forced to rely upon the accuracy of the information that is provided to the Court. The FISC does not have the capacity to investigate issues of noncompliance."by KenYou want a good laugh?You know the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the one created by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to issue surveillance warrants in cases too secret to go through normal court channels?

Chief Justice Roberts does everything he can to see that the FISA court remains a trusty tool of the national-security state

So you think you have a right to know something, anything, about the workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? Maybe we need to, um, discuss this at greater length in, you know, secret."[The members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] all seem to have some type of a pretty conservative bent, I don't think that is what the Congress envisioned when giving the chief justice that authority.

Democratic Senators Who Voted To Confirm Fascists To The Supreme Court

Justice Ginsburg, who, like Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer, went to my high school, James Madison in Brooklyn, knows what she's talking about when she says the decision by the 5 right-wing Republican activists on the Supreme Court, each of whom is also a corporate whore, produced an anti-democratic ruling stinking of "hubris." She pointed out how illogical their nakedly partisan arguments were: