John Oliver

NYC cops have a chance to just-say-no to their stinking-pile-of-puke union boss, "Stinko" Lynch

Plus: Ferguson's police chief steps down -- this is big news?(As John Oliver said Sunday, "Fuck those fucking assholes")If NYC cops reelect Stinko as their capo in June, they send New Yorkers -- and the world -- a terrible message about how they see the job they're supposed to be KenIt shouldn't come as news that all over the country demagogic or just plain fascist-minded pols have been not only tolerating but encouraging cops' belief that rather than upholding the law their

News Watch: This may be the best promo I've ever seen

"In Season 2 he's changing everything up. . . . Maybe he'll add a pony . . . a crime-solving pony."Says John, "We were just really assuming the show was going to be basically the same." The good news: He gets to keep his KenThis promo was actually first posted about seven weeks ago, and we're already three weeks into the season it was promo-ing. But it's still maybe the best promo I've ever seen for anything.

Let the games begin! John Oliver introduces us to FIFA, the World Cup™ governing body, and Michael Palin introduces us to Brazil

Following a collage of clips from various countries where it's claimed that soccer is a "religion," John jumps in: "And they're not exaggerating. When David Beckham got a tattoo of Jesus, the response of most soccer fans was, 'Well, that's, that's huge for Jesus. That's, that's a big deal for him.' ""I know that in America soccer is something you pick your ten-year-old daughter up from.

"The point is, the Internet in its current form is not broken. And the FCC is currently taking steps to fix that" (John Oliver)

No, sorry, I'm not even going to tell you about the coyote KenQuietly, and often not so quietly, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart has served as a launching pad for gleefully troublemaking media talent. I would hate to try to rank the bulging roster of impressive Daily Show alums, but by any standard the amazing John Oliver is pretty amazing.