John Kiriakou

Porkins Policy Radio episode 149 Paul Wright on Prison Legal News, and Kevin Gosztola on Reality Winner Plea

In the first hour Paul Wright of the Human Rights Defense Center and Prison Legal News joins me to discuss prisoner rights. We talk about the current state of America’s 2.5 million incarcerated individuals and the tremendous hardships they face. Paul talks about the legacy of Prison Legal News and how it represents one of the only truly independent media outlets talking about the prison system.

Intelligence Veterans Warn of Growing Risk for War With Iran Based on False Pretexts

(CN) — As President Donald Trump prepares to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans offers corrections to a number of false accusations that have been leveled against Iran. MEMORANDUM FOR:  The President FROM:  Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT:  War With Iran INTRODUCTION In our December 21st Memorandum to you, we cautioned that […]

John Kiriakou: Dangerous Apathy, Torture, and the Perilous State of Dissent in the US

(CB) — John Kiriakou never imagined he would become, much less be called, a whistleblower for speaking out publicly against his CIA employer over a shadowy torture program he’s come to believe amounts to the most nefarious of violations of international law, a heinous crime against humanity, and an affront to otherwise-touted American values of freedom and justice.
But that’s what happened.

The Intercept’s Source Burning Problem

Reality Winner, shown here in her booking photo, is being held by federal authorities at the Lincoln County, Ga. jail after leaking NSA documents to a reporter at The Intercept,, June 7, 2017 (Lincoln County (Ga.) Sheriff’s Office via AP)
Long having built its reputation on reports derived from classified information provided to them by leakers, The Intercept now finds itself in the unpleasant position of having burned – or outed – one of its anonymous sources.