John Bohlinger

Meanwhile, Back In Montana…

When John Bohlinger comes into any town in Montana to talk policy, it is news. Veteran journalist Mike Dennison interviewing Bohlinger last week on a campaign policy tourBeltway Democrats decided their best chance to hold the Montana Senate seat would be to replace Max Baucus-- who was given a plumb job as ambassador to China-- with the conservative John Walsh. Walsh gets to run as an incumbent against radical right extremist Steve Daines, a congressman.

16 Democrats Ready To Join Republicans In Selling Out American National Interests

Who's afraid of AIPAC? Apparently a shitload of craven Democrats in the U.S. Senate. So far 59 senators have signed on as co-sponsors of legislation that was ostensibly written by 2 non-Jewish AIPAC shills, Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) but initiated by Joe Lieberman and Israel's far right Likud Party and clearly meant to torpedo the peace process.

Guest Post From John Bohlinger, Montana's Progressive Candidate For The Senate-- And An Ex-Republican

This week I visited with John Bohlinger, the progressive in Montana's U.S. Senate race. A former Republican state legislator, John switched parties from the GOP to the Democrats and I asked him to explain why. I'm always curious about what make someone switch. Sometimes-- like Charlie Crist or Patrick Murphy in Florida-- it's just opportunism.

Will The DSCC Try To Force A Weaker Candidate On Montana Democrats Again?

Having been mercilessly smeared for 6 years by right-wing media, Obama is now profoundly unpopular in red states. The ultimate "gotcha" moment for Republicans was when they were able to paint the president as dishonest in the "you can keep your healthcare if you like it" statement. Anyone who ever wanted to hate Obama now has all the reason they ever wanted. In Montana, his approval rating has sunk over 10 points since Tester and Obama were running for reelection last year and is now a dismal 34%. Democrats in red states and red districts aren't mentioning him.