Joe Rogan

Wuhan Coronavirus & The Doomsday Prophets - FF Ep62

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest stories and important events of the week in episode 62 of Flashback Friday.
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Food of the Gods – The Madness of Terence McKenna – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we return to discuss the madness of Terence McKenna as we investigate a work of the psychonauts – The Food of the Gods!  As part of our globalization books series, I decided it was necessary to cover a psychonaut, since we have covered all the circles around these nuts – but not an actual nut.  As we will see, Terence’s book demonstrates a radical subversion of nature itself under the guise of enlightenment. LIVE at 6PM EST 


The Holy Hell Cult – Jay Dyer on Tinfoil Hat with Sam Tripoli

This was a wild one – beware, it’s NSFW content and contains explicit themes.  Regardless, it was insightful to hear from someone from the cult in the famous Netflix Documentary, Holy Hell.  Sam writes: “This episode we welcome Occult Author Jay Dyer and Rapper/Comedian and former and possible future cult member Hung Yung Terrarist to discuss the world of Cults.”

The Global Brain ‘Murican Gladiators Multipass – Jay Dyer, Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

#JOEROGAN #terencemckenna #globalbrain
The crew gathers to discuss the latest madness. We cover American Ninja Gladiators, global sportsballz, the nodes in the global brain, greta and her climate obsession, leeloo and Chris Tucker predicting the future, Jacques Attali and nomadic devices, and bum goiters that don’t work.


Stephanie Kelton On The Economics of Bernie's Platform

Economics isn't easy for many voters to understand. Stephanie Kelton is one of the top economists in the world-- as well as Bernie's chief economic advisor-- and teaches economics at Stony Brook. She's been helping Blue America congressional candidates understand some of the trickier bits of economics behind policy solutions like Medicare-For-All, the Green New Deal, free public college, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, cancelling student loan debt...In the video above she was interviewed by Bloomberg News yesterday.


Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.