Jimmy Kimmel

Can The Senate Democrats Derail Tom Price?

How do Ryan and the congressional Republicans get away with all the twisted lies and deceptions about healthcare? Watch the Jimmy Kimmel video up top-- and remember, that's in Los Angeles! People are morons? I'm afraid so. Otherwise Friday would be a day we'd either be pissed off that another corporate Democrat was being inaugurated or we'd be rejoicing that Debbie Wasserman Schultz failed and we'd be inaugurating the first president dedicated to working families since FDR.Did you watch the Price Senate hearings yesterday? How foolish and wasteful!

Donald J. Trump Welshes On His Bets

Illinois Senator Mark Kirk is remembered by many for falsely claiming to be an Iraq War vet. Although he was in the Navy Reserves during the Iraq War, he never left the U.S. and his claims to be a war vet were patently false-- and are still false, as he does it again this year. Lying to the public about something like that used to be a major no-no. But is it any longer? Donald J. Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. He lies about small things and he lies about big things.

There Actually IS A Way To Defeat Trumpf And The Republicans In November: Bernie Sanders

Trumpf's newfound inevitability after Tuesday night-- he is now the presumptive Republican nominee-- makes two really vile political figures-- insiders and corporate shills Paul Ryan (the brokered convention candidate) and Hillary Clinton (the ultimate Wall Street/K Street establishment candidate) suddenly seem almost palatable in comparison.

Does Trump REALLY Want To Make The Rich Pay Their Fair Share Of Taxes?

Jimmy Kimmel picked up on the fact that-- with the exception of Jeff Sessions' (KKK-AL) immigration plan-- Trump hasn't given the morons backing him for the GOP nomination any specifics about anything. Everything he does will be the greatest or fabulous-- from the wall he plans to build to the replacement for Obamacare he plans to wave his magic wand and bring into being, to everyone he hires to work for him, like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter.

Will GOP Voters Abandon Trump When They Find Out He's Not Really A Billionaire, But Just Playing One On TV?

Republican primary voters have now had a good look at what kind of a leader-- as opposed to what kind of a TV reality show personality-- Trump would make. And they like what they see. He's holding down the #1 position among all Republican candidates, by a growing margin. Lindsey Graham went on CBS to call Donald Trump "a jackass." Maybe Lindsey shouldn't get into a name-calling pissing match with Trump.