Jim Jordan

Even When They Manage To Steal Control Of Government, Conservatives Don't Do Anything But Obstruct

Ohio reactionary, Gym Jordan (R-OH) is a leading Republican on two committees: Oversight and Government Reform ,where he is the ranking member, and Judiciary. That's it. He's not on any committees that deal with passing actual laws, just committees that most deal with bad behavior. So when he goes on Fox every other day to warn about how Democrats don't deal with anything substantive, he's referring to his own committees-- and he's lying.

Gym Jordan Has Allied Himself Completely With Russia-- He Should Be Kicked Off The House Intelligence Committee Immediately

The Republican strategy yesterday was basically to say there was no there there, to set the stage for Barr's investigation of Hillary Clinton and to bore the audience to death so that they would turn off the station and tune in something-- anything-- else. The worst was Gym Jordan. Yesterday the Wall Street Journal set the stage by re-publishing a year old piece by Ben Kesling and Kristina Peterson, Former Ohio State Wrestlers Say Rep.

2018 In Review: Sex-Obsessed Hypocrite Edition-A Holiday Cornucopia Of Republican Wackos. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 10.

by NoahYesterday, I wrote about a handful of the Republican Party’s Nazi brethren. But, hey, enough of Republicans who worship Nazis and Nazis who worship republicans. The two are interchangeable anyway, so let’s proceed. How about some sex-crazed republicans? Republicans are always so obsessed with other people’s sex lives that they live by a “do as I say not as I do” “religious” creed.

The Meaning Of Last Night's New Hampshire Primaries

Chris PappasOne more little look at last night's primaries from New Hampshire. Because Carol Shea-Porter decided to retire, there was a lot of action in the first district. The Democrats nominated Chris Pappas, a slightly left-of-center candidate favored by the entire New Hampshire political establishment, and the Republicans nominated a mainstream conservative, Eddie Edwards, instead of the far right Trump character, Andy Sanborn.

What Right Wing Former Wrestling Coach Jim Jordan Is Up To Now

UPDATE: After being turned down flat and mocked from every direction they turned yesterday, Jordan and Meadows threw up their hands, raised the white flag and buried their own absurd, self-serving resolution to impeach Rod Rosenstein. Now they're going to try to get a vote holding the Department of Justice in contempt.Randy @IronStache Bryce frightened Paul Ryan out of his reelection plans and he's retiring from Congress instead. But Ryan is working hard now to make sure his party isn't obliterated in November.

Reminding Jim Jordan: Former GOP Speaker And Wrestling Coach Denny Hastert, Now In Prison, Adamantly Denied He Molested Boys-- Until He Admitted It

A couple of months ago I was researching a story on Janet Garrett, the Democrat who ran against Jim Jordan in a deep red Ohio congressional district in 2014 and 2016 and is running against him again this year. Jordan wants to be Speaker and, at the time, I wrote Like Denny Hastert, Jordan was a wrestling coach. A career politician, he was in the state legislature from 1994 'til 2006 when he wormed his way into Congress, representing a deep red, poorly educated, nearly 90% white district (PVI is R+14) with no cities. McCain won the district with 54.4%.