jews and gentiles

The 107 Year Plan To Destroy America. PS: Your Wages Will Be Cut 60%.

The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was a coup. The coup plotters were the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Warburgs. Their agents had their first meeting to draft the legislation that became the Federal Reserve Act in a private rail car across the river from Manhattan on November 22, 1910. That rail car took those men to Georgia to their secret meeting  on Jekyll Island. It is no accident that their second coup was on November 22, 1963 when President Kennedy was assassinated. JFK was killed on the 53rd anniversary of their first coup.

Vidrebel: Satire for the Holidays.

This is the slow season so I decided to post some of my satires. The first is set 20 minutes in the future. It seems Mr Jones rented a Google driverless car to take him to a protest at the state Capitol. The car talked and was suspicious about his destination. It asked him whether he had legitimate business at the capitol or he was going to a protest. He said he had a legal right to protest. That is when the Google car strapped Mr Jones in so tight he could barely breathe. The car said, “It has been determined that you need anger management.

Judaism Incorporated: Promoting Fake News Since Before Jesus

“Anti-Semitism is a disease–you catch it from Jews”–Edgar J. Steele
CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century B.C. Roman statesman, writer. “Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills.”

A Gentile Guide’s To Judaism Incorporated

I regard Judaism Incorporated as a Criminal Enterprise and neither as a religion nor as a race. Anyone who has read the Talmud knows it is not a religion.
Rabbi Shim’on used to say: “The best of Gentiles – kill him; the best of snakes dash out its brains.”
Robbery of a Gentile by a Jew is not forbidden outright but only under certain circumstances such as ‘when the Gentiles are not under our rule’, but is permitted ‘when they are under our rule’.
Israel Shahak: The Laws Against Non-Jews In 2 Minutes

Not The Fourth Reich But Far Worse Nonetheless

I never said I supported Donald Trump because I liked where he wanted us to go. I did say I was interested in the anger of the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump voters. On election night a BBC reporter tried to explain how Hillary lost that state which has a huge black vote and lots of technically advanced people from out of state in what Americans call Research-Triangle Park. Obama went there in a last ditch effort to get out the vote. He was popular there amongst the college students. They had voted for him in 2012 but not so much for Hillary in 2016.

Next 90 Days: A Depression, A War, An Assassination, Martial Law?

America is entering the most volatile and dangerous period in its 240 year history. Unfortunately for the 7 billion others who share the earth with us, we have a nasty habit of making our problems their reality.
There are several facts which are certain. The first is that the US and indeed the entire world has more Unpayable Debts now than at anytime in history. And as Dr Michael Hudson often reminds us, Unpayable Debts are never repaid.

$9.3 Trillion Missing From Pentagon. Not An Issue To Corporate Media.

The Inspector General for the Department of Defense just published a report saying that the Undocumentable Adjustments for the DOD in the fiscal year ending 2015 totaled $9.3 trillion. This is according to Catherine Austin Fitts in her latest interview.
On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld said on CBS News that he and his Comptroller rabbi Dov Zakheim could not trace $2.3 trillion in DOD spending. He promised that in the future he would implement accounting procedures so that taxpayers would know where their money went.

Either This Insanity Ends In 2017 Or We Do

We have reached a point where Insanity in the political sphere can prove fatal to all mankind. When I was younger during the Cold War, I did not believe we would ever use nuclear weapons. Why? Because Hydrogen Bombs are bad. They kill rich people. But mass starvation is good because only poor people starve to death. And the poor cannot afford to pay taxes to subsidize the rich. Very Bad People those poor folk.
Unfortunately, there are now people within the United States government who do want to launch WW III.