jews and gentiles

NSA And IRS Scandals. The Gentiles Did It?

Room 641A at 611 Folsom st in San Francisco had a splitter that copied all the data using Israeli equipment from the Israeli company Narus. The other company involved was Verint which worked with Verizon and was also an Israeli company. All of these data centers have splitters so everything is copied.
The media is portraying this as if only names and phone numbers are copied and not the content as well.

His Majesty’s Jewish Government Vs Africa

The Atlantic slave trade was run by the Jews of Portugal, Great Britain, Spain, France and the Netherlands. At least  12 million Africans were shipped across the sea though most were taken to non-British destinations. An unknown number were killed upon capture in the interior of Africa with many more dying en route to the coast even before the long sea voyage. Millions were also taken in other slave routes into either Arab territories where Jews also acted as slave traders and across the Indian Ocean.

Blythe Masters Tells How The World Really Works

Blythe: Hello, I am Blythe Masters, Vice-President of Global Commodities here at J P Morgan. As you know, I am the creator of Credit Default Swaps, a 700 trillion dollar plus market. I want to welcome the two of you as J P Morgan’s newest board members. I am going to give you a tour and brief introduction into how Morgan and the world really works. I am sure you know you were selected for the board because we are expanding into areas that require your corporate expertise, in Internet surveillance and mercenaries.

8 Ways This Banker Occupied Government Is Trying To Kill You

1)  The Banker Occupied Government of the  US has said Americans can eat up to 1,200 Becquerels per kilogram of Cesium 134 and 137 in their food. Canada permits 1,000 Becquerels per kilogram whereas Europe allows 600 and Japan only 100. The bankers are allowing the farms of Chernobyl and Fukushima to send their toxic radioactive food to America and Canada.

Mapping The Tsarnaev Brothers

I lived in Boston for eight years when I was in college. I have been asked to make some comments on the Boston Marathon bombing.
The most glaring points about this Boston Marathon bombing are that the alleged bombers were well connected to the CIA and paid by them. We were told that they accepted $100,000 from the state in welfare over ten years. But $100,000 over ten years is not a lot of money.

I Pledge Allegiance To The One World Government

I pledge allegiance to the One World Government of, by and for the Rothschild network of privately owned Central banks issuing currencies as a loan at interest to be compounded daily for ever and ever. An indivisible government that respects neither borders nor languages nor customs.
Debt is sacred. The Law of Compound interest reigns supreme. The great heresy of Debt Cancellation is anathema to me. My true family are those who have demonstrated their loyalty to the banks by surrendering their gold and silver.

Disrespecting The American, European And Soviet Dead

Boris Abramovich Berezovsky died recently under mysterious circumstances. He had converted to Orthodox Christianity from Judaism. Forbes said he made 3 billion dollars by controlling state assets under his friend Boris Yeltsin’s presidency. Yeltsin was of Jewish descent. Yeltsin allowed 9 oligarchs and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Harvard Endowment fund and others to loot the former Soviet citizens of 240 billion dollars. By the way, 8 of those 9 oligarchs happened to be Jewish.