jews and gentiles

Janet Yellen’s Options At The Federal Reserve Are Limited By People Saying No

Larry Summers (Samuelson) had to withdraw his nomination to succeed Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman for the same reason that Barack Obama could not blow Syria off the map using doctored evidence as his justification. The people said No to war. Americans had figured out that Al Qaeda was committing atrocities against Christian and Muslim civilians in their name. We can find hundreds of videos of the mercenaries beheading civilians and even firing chemical weapons but the administration and the media cannot produce even one of the Syrian Army doing the same.

Just A Few Unmanageable Steps From Syria To World War III

You can start a war, but it does not end until the other side says it does.
President Obama is delusional. He is advised by three dangerously incompetent National Security advisers: Susan Rice, Samantha Power and Ben Rhodes. He actually said at the G-20 Summit that he wanted No Boots on the Ground but did want a manageable but limited response. He has also said he does not need approval from the Congress, the UN and NATO. His spokesmen mentioned the need to degrade Syrian forces. This is insane.

Psychopaths Want To Attack Syria Because They Want To Start World War III.

Most people know there was something wrong with the lies our Banker Occupied Government and the Corporate Media told them about about 911. But very few were willing to go the distance and say Israel did 911. Yet in the run up to the attack on Syria, we can see many key supporters of Israel and its lies have bailed out. Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge and Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report are both Jewish and have strongly supported Israel in the past. Yet they are both using their access to the Mainstream to stop Obama from bombing Syria.

Paul Craig Roberts: Economic Crash Before The End Of 2013 And Other Insights

Paul Craig Roberts said just recently that he expects the US economy to crash before the end of 2013. We are in several Bubbles and one will break soon enough. Bubbles are created by bankers who are paid interest on money they have created out of nothing. This money is loaned to us at interest and accumulates debt at compound rates. Eventually, the burden of our debts becomes excessive and millions of us die either from starvation or wars created by the bankers as a diversion. Interest rates have just recently spiked upwards rising so our burdens increasing exponentially.

Questions For The Corporate Media And Politicians.

1) Why was the federal government allowed to kill the journalist Michael Hastings?
2) Why was DHS allowed to conspire to use snipers to kill leaders of the Occupy protests?
3) Why was there no media coverage when President Jimmy Carter said America was no longer a functioning democracy?
4) Why were the politicians and media allowed to lie us into war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria?

The Jewish Strategy Of Occupying The Middle Ground

The truth of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 did not gain widespread attention in America because Israel and American Jews occupied the Middle Ground between decision makers and policy formulation and between events their reportage by the media. On June 4, 1967 President Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ate dinner at the home of Abe Fortas. At the dinner was a Loeb of Kuhn and Loeb, a Rothschild investment bank.

The 68 Senators Who Voted To Destroy America

Make no mistake about it. The vote to give Amnesty to 30 million illegal aliens already here plus the millions that will come here in the future will destroy America. We have a deficit of 4 trillion dollars on infrastructure repairs that needs to be addressed before we increase our population with low paid unskilled workers. We also have a 22% unemployment rate. And we have a trillion dollar structural deficit that cannot be reduced by adding 30 to 50 million people to those eligible for benefits. There is a provision which gives employers a subsidy for health care for illegal aliens.