jews and gentiles

Obama Does A Reverse Quenelle. Says Up Yours To The 99%.

Barack Hussein Obama, the Teleprompter Reader in Chief, has stepped into the controversy over La Quenelle. Jewish leaders in Europe have claimed that the La Quenelle gesture made popular by the French comedian Dieudonne is a reverse Nazi salute. It is not. It originated in the satirical movie Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb which was written and  directed by a Jew and starred the late Jewish comedian Peter Sellers. (The video below shows how to make a Quenelle gesture.)

Video: Translating Dieudonne, The Quenelle And Up Yours To The Jewish 1%.

I want the French comedian Dieudonne to become famous in the English speaking world. He is noted for inventing the Quenelle. The Jews of France and their politicians have taken to calling the Quenelle a Nazi salute. It is not. The Quenelle is best learned by watching the video below. Once you see it, you will understand that it is just a gesture for what New York cab drivers would say, ‘Up Yours!’

This Is What Bush And Obama Did For Israel In Your Name

Anything George Bush can do, Barack Obama can do better and here are the pictures to prove it.
Understand that voting just ensures the continuation of one corrupt party or the other. The puppets in charge (So Called Politicians) are just that-puppets. The Republican party and the Democratic party are to heads of the same beast. They continue with the same actions, the same agendas, only the names are changed. The pictures of torture under the Obama adminstration are below. Warning: You maybe offended by some of these pictures, they are very graphic in nature.

Video: Conspiracy Of Silence. The Franklin Scandal.

This documentary proves there is only one political party in the United States and Great Britain. That one party covers up the rape and murder of children. This video was made in 1993 by the Discovery Channel and Yorkshire TV. It was scheduled to be aired on British TV but was cancelled. Tremendous pressure had been put on the Discovery Channel and Yorkshire TV by the Clinton administration to pull it.