jews and gentiles

Sharing The Guilt For The Atrocities Of World War II

World War II was an atrocity. 58,000,000 people were killed. Only the the killing of the Gentiles of the Soviet Union under Communist rule and the Chinese under Mao were worse. Today I would like to specifically address the guilt for starting that war and also to compare atrocities committed by the Allies after the war to the alleged extermination of the Jews during the war.

When Does The Resistance To Global Tyranny Begin?

Wages are down. Unemployment is up. Inflation is up. The debts owed by individuals are way up along with government debts and Austerity measures from above imposed on those below. In America homes and ranches and farms have been stolen by the government and by the banks. In Nevada the Bureau of Land Management has taken to stealing cattle and hiring Blackwater mercenaries. We are told they needed the Bundy family land as a carbon off sink for a Chinese project and also the water rights for fracking.

When Does The Resistance To Global Tyranny Begin?

Wages are down. Unemployment is up. Inflation is up. The debts owed by individuals are way up along with government debts and Austerity measures from above imposed on those below. In America homes and ranches and farms have been stolen by the government and by the banks. In Nevada the Bureau of Land Management has taken to stealing cattle and hiring Blackwater mercenaries. We are told they needed the Bundy family land as a carbon off sink for a Chinese project and also the water rights for fracking.

Plans For The Day After The Government Collapses

The American government will collapse as soon as the dollar dies which should be in a matter of months. The dollar will not last until the next President takes office in January of 2017. The following are a series of ideas we need to discuss prior to the Day the Dollar Dies.
1) Eliminate the ability of the banks to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. Take over the Federal Reserve.

Plans For The Day After The Government Collapses

The American government will collapse as soon as the dollar dies which should be in a matter of months. The dollar will not last until the next President takes office in January of 2017. The following are a series of ideas we need to discuss prior to the Day the Dollar Dies.
1) Eliminate the ability of the banks to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. Take over the Federal Reserve.

The Best Anti-Apartheid BDS Video: Bricks From the Wall

The best protest video is the one that people watch and that motivates them to action. I am watching this for the fourth time now and will watch it again and again. For many of us in the West it was a long and lonely struggle against the Israeli attempt to occupy the world. But now we are being joined daily by millions of people from all over the planet.

The Best Anti-Apartheid BDS Video: Bricks From the Wall

The best protest video is the one that people watch and that motivates them to action. I am watching this for the fourth time now and will watch it again and again. For many of us in the West it was a long and lonely struggle against the Israeli attempt to occupy the world. But now we are being joined daily by millions of people from all over the planet.

An 8 Year-Old Boy In Ohio Hugs The Gravestone Of His Father Who Died In Iraq.

This is Myles Eckert of Toledo, Ohio. He is 8 years old. He is hugging the gravestone of his father who died in Iraq when he was 5 weeks old. He never saw his father. He learns of his father through his medals, ID tags, wedding ring, photos and family stories. Myles had wanted to go to the cemetery to talk to the man he never knew. At her son’s request, his mother stayed in the car so he could be alone to talk. His mother took this photo. His father died because our politicians and our news media were willing to believe lies fed to us by Israel.

Another American Filmmaker Harassed By DHS-TSA.

Merlin Miller was pulled out of line, subjected to interrogation, and treated as if he were a terrorist. Miller is President of Americana pictures and is a producer, writer and director. He has been stopped many times and supposedly randomly selected for special attention by the TSA. People who are flagged SSS are always selected for this intensive scrutiny.

Do You Know Edward “Ed” Mezvinsky?

He is Edward “Ed” Mezvinsky, born January 17, 1937.
Then you’ll probably say, “Who is Ed Mezvinsky?”
Well, he is a former Democrat congressman who represented Iowa’s 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for two terms, from 1973 to 1977.
He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.
He was outspoken saying that Nixon was a crook and a disgrace to politics and the nation and should be impeached.
He and the Clintons were friends and very politically intertwined for many years.