jews and gentiles

America Is A Pariah State Cursed By Decent Men Of Good Will

You think you are the home of evil, darkness and sin. You think if anyone could see the truth about you he would be repelled, recoiling from you as if from a poisonous snake. You think if what is true about you were revealed to you, you would be struck with horror so intense that you would rush to death by your own hand, living on after seeing this being impossible.                                Helen Schucman

Fifty Ways The American Dream Has Become A Nightmare

The following is excerpted from American Exceptionalism by Mark Elsis
“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds
by masters who rule them with lies.
They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.”
   Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Power Elite Set To Steal Everything And Then Kill The Dollar

Paul Volcker wants a new Bretton Woods agreement to replace the old one which Nixon broke in August of 1971 when he refused to redeem dollars for gold at $35 an ounce. Henry Kissinger took us onto the Petrodollar standard in 1973 after the Arab-Israeli war. The Gulf oil monarchies agreed to sell oil only in dollars. These dollars bought US Treasury bonds and helped fund America’s perpetual budget deficit and to pretend it had also solved its trade imbalance. Some have mistakenly accused America of fighting Oil wars. We have been fighting wars to defend the Petrodollar.

Power Elite Set To Steal Everything And Then Kill The Dollar

Paul Volcker wants a new Bretton Woods agreement to replace the old one which Nixon broke in August of 1971 when he refused to redeem dollars for gold at $35 an ounce. Henry Kissinger took us onto the Petrodollar standard in 1973 after the Arab-Israeli war. The Gulf oil monarchies agreed to sell oil only in dollars. These dollars bought US Treasury bonds and helped fund America’s perpetual budget deficit and to pretend it had also solved its trade imbalance. Some have mistakenly accused America of fighting Oil wars. We have been fighting wars to defend the Petrodollar.

Whither Goest The Jewish People?

The question to ask is this: Do Jewish people have any control over what their leadership does in their name? Until recently most Americans actually believed they lived in a democracy where their opinion and their vote counted. I have not seen a poll on the subject but I doubt that a majority of people capable of thought do believe their votes are properly counted on election day. They certainly do not believe that their opinion counts as much as that of campaign donors.

Whither Goest The Jewish People?

The question to ask is this: Do Jewish people have any control over what their leadership does in their name? Until recently most Americans actually believed they lived in a democracy where their opinion and their vote counted. I have not seen a poll on the subject but I doubt that a majority of people capable of thought do believe their votes are properly counted on election day. They certainly do not believe that their opinion counts as much as that of campaign donors.

Sharing The Guilt For The Atrocities Of World War II

World War II was an atrocity. 58,000,000 people were killed. Only the the killing of the Gentiles of the Soviet Union under Communist rule and the Chinese under Mao were worse. Today I would like to specifically address the guilt for starting that war and also to compare atrocities committed by the Allies after the war to the alleged extermination of the Jews during the war.