jews and gentiles

Checklist: America’s Third World Status.

1) General Smedley Butler won the Congressional Medal of Honor twice. In his book War Is a Racket, he described an election he conducted in a Third World nation in Central America. He said he had a ballot box stuffed with all the ballots to be counted already in it. He opened the polling, closed the voting a few hours later, turned the box upside down and pulled out the ballots confirming victory for Wall Street’s candidate.

Lasha Darkmoon: Tel Aviv, City of a Thousand Thrills

This was originally written by Petra Scandali and first appeared at Lasha Darkmoon’s website.
A Foreword from Vidrebel: An Israeli broadcaster told me that the Orthodox never have sex during a woman’s period. They are so observant of this that most Israeli married couples give up sex for 2 weeks every month. This oddity of Orthodoxy would seem to create a need for other sexual outlets. Most Israelis are Orthodox. A Jewish doctor told me that most Orthodox are atheists.

Counterfeiting Trillions of Dollars in US Treasury Bonds And Other Crimes.

A week ago I noticed that the Treasury published our total increase in Treasury bonds for the past year. It had grown by $1,085,888,854,036.50. Some people mistakenly think that this is the Treasury deficit. Not quite. They have not accounted for the privilege certain Too Big To Jail Banks have which is that one or more of them is allowed to counterfeit US Treasury bonds and pocket the cash.

Sun Tzu And The Cost Of War Plus Vidrebel’s Comments

This was originally written by Erico Tavares.
What if military strategy were timeless?
Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher, and is credited to have written “The Art of War”, a seminal treatise on managing conflict and warfare. It is uncertain when he actually lived, but some traditional historians date his lifetime to 544–496 BC.

Israel’s Cost To America. And What Happens When We Are Of No Use To Israel?

Let’s begin with 1910-1913. The Rothschilds had several prominent business partners in America. Amongst them were John D Rockefeller, J P Morgan, the Warburg brothers and Jacob Schiff.  There was  a gathering of their agents on a private railcar across the river from Manhattan on November 22, 1910. They went from there to Jekyll Island Georgia to draft the legislation that would become the Federal Reserve Act. Also in 1913 the IRS was created. The Federal Reserve Act gave Bankers the right to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing.

If ISIS is a Bomb, Israel is the Bombmaker

ISIS has changed its name several times. It has also been called IS or Islamic State and ISIL (Islamic State in the Levant.) They used to be known as Al Qaeda in Iraq but they got rid of that name. Too many people had caught on to the fact that Al Qaeda was just a bunch of Muslims willing to sell their souls to the CIA and the Mossad. So after their name change  they launched the new brand by invading Iraq and declaring Sharia law. But changing their name did not alter who they are and who their paymasters are.

Obama Wants America To Become A Killing Zone

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 did make America a War Zone. It took away our Bill of Rights that had protected us from torture and indefinite detention and guaranteed us the right to a speedy trial, to legal counsel and to a trial by jury. Courts everywhere have said the police are allowed to use pain to force you to comply with an officer’s orders. If you raise your hands to defend yourself from a cop’s blows, you can be arrested and convicted of a felony for resisting arrest.

Israel’s Gift: The American Quagmires in Iraq And Afghanistan

“The role of the President of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel.”          Ann Lewis, sister of former Congressman Barney Frank
The idea that the best America could achieve in Iraq would be to divide the country into Kurdish, Sunni and Shi’ite sectors is not really new. It was an old idea in 1982 when Ze’ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Ha’aretz, first suggested it. (Ha’aretz 6/2/1982). It was also mentioned by Oded Yinon in that same year in A Strategy For Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.