jews and gentiles

Vidrebel on Rebekah Roth And 911.

I have previously posted 911 material from investigators I did completely agree with. One was Dr Judy Wood. Another was Barbara Honegger. Today I would like to present some material from Rebekah Roth who wrote the book Methodical Illusion which I have not read. I am using two long radio interviews as my source. Roth is I think a pen name. She did work for airlines for 30 years which gives her valuable insights other 911 investigators lack.

10th Anniversary Of The London 7-7-2005 Subway Bombings.

This essay is based upon the latest edition of the video 7-7 Ripple Effect which was recently released. This article also contains some of my own research. The video is below.

The May 16, 2004 BBC Panorama program (London Under Attack) had a What If scenario looking at organizing TV coverage of bombings  at 3 Tube stations  and on one road vehicle. They concluded that the BBC would have to allow Security officials to dictate their coverage.

Vidrebel: So Why Do Americans Still Celebrate The Fourth of July?

Hopefully, we will once again be a free society and the Fourth of July will be more than one day of a three day holiday marked by fireworks.
The Patriot Act and the NDAA were passed to tell us we were no longer a free country. The Bush administration drew up a list of 8 million Americans the Israelis and the Bankers wanted incarcerated when the dollar collapses. It is not a workable plan but then that crowd in Washington DC is not very bright. See this:
Screw Up: 8 Million Americans Are On The List To Be Disappeared

Far More Despicable Than Treason.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

2015 Bilderberg Annotated Members List

This year’s Bilderberg conference is about Iran. That conclusion screams at anyone who goes beyond the first line of the Bilderberg press hand out. That is why I publish an annotated guide to the Bilderberg Society. John Sawers was invited because he was the former head of MI-6 not because in retirement he has a consulting group. Or the man listed as a distinguished visiting lecturer was actually ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, the retired Marine General who had commanded US Central Command. Many of the participants are listed as diplomats or professors. Dig a little deeper.

2015: This Summer Of Our Discontent Might Be Our Last Chance to Say Or Do Anything.

Evil men are making plans for your summer. A former  NATO commander was talking about World War III breaking out. If we are lucky it won’t be nuclear. The Israelis are talking in their press about ‘Mowing the Lawn’ in Lebanon. That is a code word for killing civilians. All of this war talk is to be expected. Citizens in the Banker occupied nations of Europe and North America can expect war scares whenever the politicians need to distract us from the grim reality that our corrupt and greedy governments are causing the economy to sink like a rock.

The Collapse Of Liberalism Is Good News Because We Can Do Better.

I want to respond to two events. One is the crushing defeat of Labour and the Liberal Democrats in the UK elections. It appears that the Tories could have stolen 20 marginal seats by padding postal ballots. The BBC was surprised when Cameron’s party ran well ahead of their exit polls. I was not.
Labour had taken the point in stealing votes during the Scottish referendum so the SNP abandoned them and the Liberal Democrats. But, if Labour had run a campaign to defend the people against the City of London, no amount of vote rigging could have produced a Cameron majority.