jews and gentiles

Vidrebel: Taking Time To Prepare For The Future.

I have decided to share two videos on the Origin of ISIS from Brandon Martinez of Non-Aligned Media that need to be seen by more people. YouTube’s view counter might not be counting accurately but even tripling the number he is credited would still be far too small.
I have been taking time to prepare for what is coming our way. I assume you have done the same. I might be reducing my online profile. For the past several years I have been outlining what the Bankers have been doing and how to defeat them. It might soon be time for me to move on to something else.

From Pax Britannica To Pax America To The Petrodollar To Helter Skelter.

Pax Britannica lasted 116 years from the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 to the default on gold payment by the Bank of England on September 21, 1931.
Pax America did not officially begin until the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Conference had created the IMF and made the US Federal Reserve Note the world’s reserve currency.

From Pax Britannica To Pax America To The Petrodollar To Helter Skelter.

Pax Britannica lasted 116 years from the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 to the default on gold payment by the Bank of England on September 21, 1931.
Pax America did not officially begin until the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Conference had created the IMF and made the US Federal Reserve Note the world’s reserve currency.

397 Days Or What Will Become Of America By Election Day 2016

There are 397 days from Labor Day of 2015 until election day 2016.
Some of you are old enough to remember that Democratic Presidential candidates began their campaigns on Labor Day of the election year with a rousing speech to the labor unions in Detroit.
Not this time around. The campaign began months ago. Early observations are that neither Hillary Clinton nor Jeb Bush will be next year’s nominees. That is Good News. Now for the rest of the story.

397 Days Or What Will Become Of America By Election Day 2016

There are 397 days from Labor Day of 2015 until election day 2016.
Some of you are old enough to remember that Democratic Presidential candidates began their campaigns on Labor Day of the election year with a rousing speech to the labor unions in Detroit.
Not this time around. The campaign began months ago. Early observations are that neither Hillary Clinton nor Jeb Bush will be next year’s nominees. That is Good News. Now for the rest of the story.

No Country For Gentiles.

The New World Order means One Bank One Vote will replace One Man One Vote.
David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The NWO merely replaces their authority within dozens of separate nations with their Absolute Power wielded through One World government while removing the facade of democracy.

No Country For Gentiles.

The New World Order means One Bank One Vote will replace One Man One Vote.
David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The NWO merely replaces their authority within dozens of separate nations with their Absolute Power wielded through One World government while removing the facade of democracy.

Crunch Time Approaches. The Clock Is Running Out On Us.

When I was a child, I had a vision of my then distant future when 99.5% of the world’s population died almost overnight. That distant future is close to present reality. It does not have to be a war that kills 7 billion plus people. The Carrington event  was a solar superstorm named after the amateur astronomer Richard Carrington who saw two enormous patches of intensely bright white light erupt from surface of the sun. That solar flare released the energy of 10 billion atomic bombs. In 1859 the largest magnetic storm in 500 years merely destroyed telegraphic communications.

Asking Questions The Politicians And The Press Can’t Answer.

Gardasil maims and kills. It makes young girls sterile. It does not prevent cancer deaths any better than a Pap test. Merck makes Gardasil and donates to politicians who push it on girls and now it is being pushed onto boys as well. Would you support the arrest of the CEO and other executives from Merck together with the politicians from both political parties who have pushed this poison on defenseless young people?

Vladimir Putin Might Have Cancelled World War III.

General Ali Mamluk is Syria’s chief of the office of home security.  He visited Riyadh and met with the Saudi deputy Crown Prince Mohamad bin Salman [son of the current king] as a result of a Vladimir Putin brokered initiative. The coming together of these two sides to talk after 4 years of war is a hopeful sign that the Mideast is moving away from war towards peace.