jews and gentiles

Putin Is Chipping Away At America’s Empire.

On September 28th at the UN, Vladimir Putin asked, ‘Do you realize what you have done?’ He was referring to American Exceptionalism which is the core philosophy underlying Wall Street’s Empire of Debt.
Two days later Putin began bombing ISIS, Al Qaeda and their affiliates in Syria and began chipping away at America’s Empire. He said this Syrian campaign will take 3 to 4 months. Today I would like to discuss some issues the Russian leader can address in the next 12 months. These issues will greatly impact the 2016 American elections.

A Challenge To Use Satire To Take Down This Tyranny.

Russia started attacking ISIS and the Al Qaeda linked Jihadists less than two weeks ago. Iraq and Afghanistan have already asked for Putin’s help. The world has caught on to the fact that the US funded both Al Qaeda and ISIS. It has been against American law since 9-11-2001 for Americans to give aid to Al Qaeda. Yet our State Department has been buying white 4 wheel drive Toyota trucks with US Special Forces style gun mounts that wound up with ISIS in Iraq.

A Challenge To Use Satire To Take Down This Tyranny.

Russia started attacking ISIS and the Al Qaeda linked Jihadists less than two weeks ago. Iraq and Afghanistan have already asked for Putin’s help. The world has caught on to the fact that the US funded both Al Qaeda and ISIS. It has been against American law since 9-11-2001 for Americans to give aid to Al Qaeda. Yet our State Department has been buying white 4 wheel drive Toyota trucks with US Special Forces style gun mounts that wound up with ISIS in Iraq.

Putin, The Dollar And Obama’s March To Irrelevancy.

I was still in grade school when I noticed that America was never allowed to win wars. We did have a lot of wars but they were all designed to benefit the Banks, Israel or some other power occupying our nation. Currently, our policy towards Afghanistan seems to be dictated in part by the CIA’s desire to corner the global heroin market even if it means killing people and wasting money by the hundreds of billions. Operation Enduring Freedom, the bombing of Afghanistan, began on October 7, 2001. That was 14 years ago.

Putin, The Dollar And Obama’s March To Irrelevancy.

I was still in grade school when I noticed that America was never allowed to win wars. We did have a lot of wars but they were all designed to benefit the Banks, Israel or some other power occupying our nation. Currently, our policy towards Afghanistan seems to be dictated in part by the CIA’s desire to corner the global heroin market even if it means killing people and wasting money by the hundreds of billions. Operation Enduring Freedom, the bombing of Afghanistan, began on October 7, 2001. That was 14 years ago.

Vidrebel: Taking Time To Prepare For The Future.

I have decided to share two videos on the Origin of ISIS from Brandon Martinez of Non-Aligned Media that need to be seen by more people. YouTube’s view counter might not be counting accurately but even tripling the number he is credited would still be far too small.
I have been taking time to prepare for what is coming our way. I assume you have done the same. I might be reducing my online profile. For the past several years I have been outlining what the Bankers have been doing and how to defeat them. It might soon be time for me to move on to something else.