jews and gentiles

A Dozen Insufferable Abuses.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government…
US Declaration of Independence

Reasonable Demands: If Jews And Gentiles Are To Live Together

Is it unreasonable for Gentiles to demand they be allowed to actually arrest and imprison Jewish Bankers who have robbed them of tens of trillions of dollars? Catherine Austin Fitts told Greg Hunter that ‘they’ stole $40 trillion and will steal tens of trillions more. But she  will never name names as that angers the Powers That Be on Wall Street.

E Michael Jones: Protecting The Goy From Judaism Incorporated

E Michael Jones is a Catholic writer and publisher  at Culture Wars magazine who does his best  to alert the world to the dangers Jewish thought processes and behavior pose to normal human beings. We cannot convert to his religion and go back to the Catholic church’s methods of protecting the faithful from exploitation by the Jewish minority. And  I doubt many inside the Church hierarchy today are capable of resisting the Evil that Judaism Incorporated poses.

Putin’s Options To End American World Dominance

This American government (Bush-Cheney-Obama) is the most incompetent government that has ever walked the earth. Those people don’t have any sense at all. Just look at what they’ve done. In 14 years they’ve destroyed 7 countries, killed millions of people, and displaced millions of people. And where are those displaced people? They are overrunning Europe…  Does Putin need to do anything? We’re doing it all for him. So he doesn’t need to do anything. He’s not going to attack anybody. What does he need to attack anybody for? The idiot Americans are destroying themselves and their allies.

The Paris Attacks? Who Benefits?

We might ask ourselves the following:
Who created the Muslim refugees swarming over Europe?
Who created and financed Al Qaeda and ISIS?
Who benefits from the tragic attacks in Paris?
If all the roads in ancient Europe lead to Rome, then we know who built them. And if all the answers to our questions about the Paris attacks lead to one mad dog criminal entity, then we know who is responsible.

Vladimir Putin: Neither Savior Nor Anti-Christ

On November 30 Vladimir Putin will address the UN Climate Conference in Paris. He recently said Global Warming is a hoax. To those of us who agree with him and see our government leaders planning to fraudulently spend trillions of dollars of our money, Putin could appear as a Savior. TV audiences all over the world will see him tell the truth. The media will lie about him because he will be unmasking the lies they have been telling.

The Fifty Year Plan To Make Americans Poor

One of the reasons President Kennedy was assassinated was that the Bankers wanted to make billions of dollars every week laundering drug money. They needed the Vietnam war to last a really long time so they could demoralize young people and get them hooked on drugs. The Bankers had made fortunes from the Opium Wars. Her Majesty’s Jewish Government fought two wars against China (1839-1842 and 1856-1860) so a handful of families could become wealthy beyond our imaginations. Another reason for the President’s assassination was so the Bankers could loot Pentagon spending.

Putin Is Chipping Away At America’s Empire.

On September 28th at the UN, Vladimir Putin asked, ‘Do you realize what you have done?’ He was referring to American Exceptionalism which is the core philosophy underlying Wall Street’s Empire of Debt.
Two days later Putin began bombing ISIS, Al Qaeda and their affiliates in Syria and began chipping away at America’s Empire. He said this Syrian campaign will take 3 to 4 months. Today I would like to discuss some issues the Russian leader can address in the next 12 months. These issues will greatly impact the 2016 American elections.