Jewish Organizations

How Many Politicians Can You Buy with $6.3 Billion Dollars?

Grant Smith, the author of Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America, reveals the revenue of the Israeli lobby's will reach $6.3 billion in 2020, with 17,000 employees and 414,000 volunteers! (Please re-read that statement.) The purpose of the lobby is to influence the US government to serve its foreign-policy objectives and fund its military. Please open link for full commentary. [...]

The “Israel First” Industry & CEO Profiteering

Israel Lobby: The Bully, Blackmail & Blacklist Politics against Critics of Israel and its Zionist Appendages
During the first half of the 20th century, socially conscious Jews in the United States organized a large network of solidarity and charity associations financed mostly through small donations, raffles, dues by working and lower middle class supporters.