
Rich People Have Always Been Assholes-- Prayers And Whatever For All The Folks Who Caught COVID-19 At CPAC Or AIPAC Last Week

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."From the time of Constantine-- who subjugated the values preached by Jesus to the values and needs of the Roman Empire-- onwards, influential, wealthy people have demanded, and received, reinterpretations of the passage from Matthew 19 that implies rich people won't go to Heaven. Today the anti-Jesus so-called "prosperity gospel" is the latest iteration among crackpot Protestants who insist that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God.

Antichrist Explained – Jay Dyer

In this video I give a primer on the figure of the antichrist and attempt to dispel the sensationalism and Hollywood picture of this real figure. I cover the biblical types and symbols, including the significance of 666 as it relates to St. John’s valid use of gematria. Far from the nonsense of evangelical hysteria, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 provide keys to understanding the immediate historical context of the Apocalypse as Nero and 70 AD, while also having a future, mirrored sense.

It Isn't Possible To Follow Jesus' Teachings And Support Trump

Personally, I'm not into churches or ritual or even the Bible. But Jesus had some great messages that I meditate on a lot. That said, there are a lot of fake Christians around who seem to think Jesus' message needs to be reversed. And those are Trump followers. My old pal Frank Schaeffer wrote about that on his blog and made the tape above that you might want to watch today instead of going to church.