Jeff Flake

When Will The Trump Fever Break?

Since denouncing Trump the other day, Jeff Flake has done exactly what you would expect him to do-- he's continued to support the conservative Republican agenda. That's because he's a conservative Republican and that agenda is far more his agenda than it is Trump's agenda. Trump barely understands the agenda at all, only that it's "his" team and he's their faux-leader.

They're Both Important But There's A Big Difference From Being Anti-Trump And Being Progressive

My congressman, Adam Schiff, was a conservative state legislator who got elected in 2000 because voters wanted revenge for the role the incumbent, James Rogan, played in the Clinton impeachment. Schiff entered Congress, joined the Blue Dogs and started voting like a Republican. After his district shredded some Republican neighborhoods and added some of the bluest areas of L.A.

Poor Jeff Flake Just Called It A Day

Today Jeff Flake announced his retirement with a withering blast at Señor Trumpanzee.""We must stop pretending that the conduct of some in our executive branch are normal. They are not normal... It is time for our complicity and our accommodation of the unacceptable to end. In this century, a new phrase to describe the accommodation of a new and undesirable order, that phrase being the new normal. That we must never adjust to the present coarseness of our national dialogue with the tone set up at the top.

Trumpy-The-Clown Does Phoenix

The McConnell-controlled Senate Leadership Fund welcomed Señor Trumpanzee to the Arizona Republican Senate primary with the ad about Trump's candidate against Jeff Flake above. According to some eye-popping reporting from the NY Times by Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin. McConnell and Trump aren't speaking to each other any longer and, in fact, ended their last conversation by screaming and cursing at each other. And that was followed up by a close McConnell aide threatening Trump with impeachment!

The Anti-Trump movement is failing

The Anti-Trump movement is failingEditor’s Note: we are not as giddy about Donald Trump as Prof. Victor Davis Hanson (see his essay below), mainly due to our anxiety over the president’s grave blunders in foreign affairs, beginning with his Jared Kushner-engineered partnership with the terrorist-enabling kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whose only lightly-veiled alliance with the Israelis has markedly improved the Saudis’ status in Jerusalem, New York and Washington D.C. One can’t fight ISIS effectively while empowering the Saudi dictatorship.