Jared Kushner

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal Could Provide Hard Evidence of “Israeli” Meddling in Trump Election

With the US Federal Trade Commission set to broke Facebook’s role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal and with Mark Zuckerberg facing calls to testify before the British Parliament, it would seem that as the elites begin fighting among themselves, the truth of their appalling treatment of the ordinary people across the world will become increasingly apparent.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 133 JP Sottile on Kushner and Tariffs, Chuck Ochelli on AFRICOM and China

In the first hour JP Sottile of News Vandal joins me to discuss the latest political machinations in Washington DC. We begin with the latest developments regarding Trump lackey Jared Kushner. JP and I talk about his recent loss of Top Secret security clearance and what this may or may not mean going forward. JP then discusses the latest revelations about Kushner and his ties to both Qatar and the UAE.

Mueller Investigation Reveals Kushner Ties to UAE and Israeli Lobbies

One of the surprises thrown up by the Gulf crisis and by the  is how entangled the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is with Israel, and how the lobbies of the two states in Washington powerfully shape American policy. While the Israel lobbies have received scholarly attention from John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt and Kirk Beattie, the Emirates lobby has remained in the shadows until recently.