Jared Golden

Trump's Infrastructure Scam

The last time we looked at Ted Lieu's infrastructure legislation there were 33 co-sponsors. That was back at the end of May when he introduced it-- HCR 63-- "Supporting efforts to enact a bold jobs and infrastructure package that benefits all Americans, not just billionaires." Now there are 85 co-sponsors-- including, not just the progressives who backed Lieu's plan originally, but even some of the most reactionary Democrats in Congress.

Jared Golden Just Declared His Candidacy For Maine's 2nd Congressional District

This morning Jared Golden, the Assistant Majority Leader of Maine's House of Representatives, declared his candidacy for the only New England seat held by a Republican-- Bruce Poliquin-- ME-02, the district Trump won last year. Jared grew up in Leeds, Maine, a small dairy town of about 2,000 people. He served four years in the U.S. Marines with combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. He attended Bates College after the Marines and later returned to Afghanistan as a volunteer teacher.

Maine Republican On The Health Care Hot Seat: Bruce Poliquin

Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) is the only Republican representing a House district in New England. He's a rich guy who began his political campaign by self-fundng a race for governor-- and not just losing to crackpot Paul LePage but coming in 6th out of 7 Republicans in the primary! LePage gave him the job as state treasurer. In 2012 he lost another GOP primary, this one for the U.S. Senate seat given up by Olympia Snowe.