Jared Golden

Trump And Ryan-- The Destroyers Of Regulations That Protect Americans From Greed And Avarice

Did anyone ever really believe Trump's idiotic campaign promises to drain the swamp that he personifies or hold Wall Street-- which now runs his regime-- accountable? If so... how tragic! Late Tuesday evening Trump had Mike Pence break the 50-50 tie in the Senate that will now allow banks more leeway to prey on their customers without fear of sanctions. That it even got to a point where the GOP-controlled Senate needed a tie-breaking vote from Pence was strange.

It's As If Ryan And Trump Are Determined To Eviscerate The Middle Class With Their Tax Plan

On Thursday we looked at how the Trump-Ryan tax cuts for the rich will be toxic for Republicans in states where the elimination of the federal deduction for state and local taxes is significant and will mean as much as $20,000 annually flowing from the bank accounts of middle class taxpayers into the bank accounts of multimillionaires and billionair

Here's Why Bruce Poliquin Is Going To Lose His Seat In Congress To Jared Golden Next Year

Thursday night Jared Golden, the Majority Whip of Maine's state House, and the progressive running for Congress in the sprawling 2nd congressional district, was the recipient of the Maine AFL-CIO's Edie Beaulieu Legislative Award "in recognition of outstanding leadership and support for working class people and working families' priorities.

Republicans Count On Voters Not Noticing What They're Up To-- But Voters Are Noticing... And Are PISSED Off

Thursday morning we mentioned the votes in Congress against the People Budget (the Progressive Caucus) and the Congressional Black Caucus budget Wednesday night. Hours later Congress voted down the official Democratic Party budget-- with 32 Democrats, mostly Blue Dogs and New Dems, voting with the GOP against it-- and then narrowly passing, 219-206 Paul Ryan's GOP budget.

A Key Issue In Democratic Primary Battles-- Medicare-For-All Or Not?

Sunday evening in Leeds, Jared Golden wrapped up his announcement tour as a congressional candidate for the sprawling Maine district he seeks to represent. He spoke at his parents' house and told his supporters that he "plans to make this campaign about working class Mainers... Speaking of jobs," he continued, let’s talk about Bruce Poliquin’s health care vote. He’s the only member of Maine’s Congressional delegation that voted to take health care away from tens of thousands of Mainers.