James Petras

The Logic behind Mass Spying: Empire & Cyber Imperialism

“An Essential component of a police state: An all-pervasive spy apparatus operating independently of any legal or constitutional constraints.”
Introduction: Revelations about the long-term global, intrusive spying by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and other allied intelligence apparatuses have provoked widespread protests and indignation and threatened ties between erstwhile imperial allies.
Allied regimes have uniformly condemned NSA espionage as a violation of trust and sovereignty, a threat to their national and economic security and to their citizens’ privacy.

The Logic behind Mass Spying: Empire and Cyber Imperialism

By James Petras :: 11.16.2013 

Revelations about the long-term global, intrusive spying by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and other allied intelligence apparatuses have provoked widespread protests and indignation and threatened ties between erstwhile imperial allies.
Allied regimes have uniformly condemned NSA espionage as a violation of trust and sovereignty, a threat to their national and economic security and to their citizens’ privacy.

Israeli Bombers: Al Qaeda’s Air Force

Israeli Bombers:  Al Qaeda’s Air Force

James Petras
Israel has committed repeated acts of war against countries that opposed its Zionist policies of colonization and annexation of Palestinian territory in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  Israeli leaders have secured arms and diplomatic support for their attacks through their Zionist proxies in the United States Congress and the Executive Branch.

US Congress: Occupied Israeli territory by Prof. James Petras

Israel Buys the US Congress:  Sabotaging the US-Iran Peace NegotiationsJames Petras jpetras@binghamton.edu“Pro-Israel Policy groups such as AIPAC work with unlimited funding to divert US policy in the region (Middle East)”  --Jack Straw, Member of Parliament and former Foreign Secretary of the British Labor Party “The United States should drop a nuclear bomb on Iran to spur the country to end its nuclear program”    --Sheldon Adelson, biggest donor to the Republican Party and major fundraiser for pro-Israel political action committees,  speech at

Fifteen Minutes an American President

Obama is Preparing for Even More Deadly Wars
Obama’s rhetorical exercise in ‘peace talk’ at the United Nations General Assembly impressed few delegations and even fewer Americans: Far more eloquent are his five years of wars, military interventions, cyber-spying, drone murders, military coups and the merciless prosecution of patriotic truth tellers.

The Obama Regime’s Fabricated “Terror Conspiracy” in Defense of the Police State

A Failed Regime Pursuing Losing Wars in which the Masters of Defeat Can Now Only Rely on the Masters of Deceit
Representative democracies and autocratic dictatorships respond to profound internal crises in very distinctive ways: the former attempts to reason with citizens, explaining the causes, consequences and alternatives; dictatorships attempt to terrorize, intimidate and distract the public by evoking bogus external threats, to perpetuate and justify rule by police state methods and avoid facing up to the self-inflicted crises.