James Le Mesurier

Who Is James Le Mesurier? – The Former British Army Officer Who Founded The White Helmets

By John Wight | American Herald Tribune | February 6, 2018 Who is James Le Mesurier, the former British army officer and military contractor who founded the White Helmets, the civil defence organisation which operates exclusively in opposition-held parts of Syria? It is a question more and more people are asking as their role and […]

James Le Mesurier: The British Mercenary Who Founded The White Helmets

Over the past two years, enlightening information has been revealed that thoroughly and unequivocally debunks the “humanitarianism” of the White Helmets in Syria, sometimes referred to as the Syrian Civil Defense. Since they were founded in 2013, much of Western media has sought to elevate the White Helmets as the “bravest” and most heroic of Syrians. They have been the […]

James Le Mesurier: The Former British Mercenary Who Founded The White Helmets

British ex-mercenary, and founder of the White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, pictured in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo: Twitter/James Le Mesurier)
Over the past two years, enlightening information has been revealed that thoroughly and unequivocally debunks the “humanitarianism” of the White Helmets in Syria, sometimes referred to as the Syrian Civil Defense.

Ignore Syria the Movie: And Please Read Vanessa Beeley on Syria & the ‘White Helmets’…

I was trying to actually take a short break from posting for a while; but the sheer level of BS being spewed as international powers desperately seek a renewed premise for military intervention in Syria is just stomach turning. The BS propaganda game is accelerating more every day. On TV, on the radio, in newspapers, […]