Jacob Blake

Rittenhouse verdict puts “broken” Jury system in the establishment crosshairs

Kit Knightly If Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t break the law, we should change the law” This quote, from late-night TV host Stephen Colbert, is one of the more concerning reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty of murder. What law, precisely, Mr Colbert would see changed is never specified. The vagueness only makes the sentiment …

The Democrat candidates openly reveal their radicalism [Video]

A lot of Democrat voters will disagree with this assessment. I truly and sincerely hope they do. This will be because many people who prefer Joe Biden this time around over President Trump do so under the impression that President Trump is some sort of “dividing agent”; that he makes people erupt in rage and start doing racist things.
But consider this video. Again, please, do not let your children see this until you have. It is one of the most brutal clips I have ever seen because it is real life brutality of people against one another. 

Trump roundtable in Kenosha delivers truth to delusional press [Video]

President Trump held a roundtable presser with law enforcement professionals and the press about the developments and resolution of the riots that started a week ago in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after a man with a sigificant criminal record was shot seven times for resisting the police, possibly to stop him from obtaining a knife in his van.

Kenosha shooter’s attorney shows incident as clearly self-defense [Video]

Tucker Carlson interviews John Pierce, attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year old young man who shot three rioters in Kenosha who were attacking him and threatening his own life, as caught on video. He killed two of them in self defense, yet he is presently sitting in jail and is the only person charged with any crime in this incident thus far.


Video of the shooting of an unarmed Jacob Blake in the back by Kenosha Police during a domestic dispute call.
One of the most shocking things I learned talking with a Los Angeles Police Officer I became friends with while working as a reporter on my first job in L.A. was that LAPD cops were trained to “empty your revolver” whenever you fired at a person.

“Paid Vacation” for Kenosha Cops Who Shot Unarmed Jacob Blake in the Back

The police officers responsible for shooting unarmed black man Jacob “Jake” Blake yesterday have been placed on administrative leave, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul confirmed today. The officers involved in what Kaul terms an “officer involved shooting” were said to be cooperating with investigations, according to police. This, for many, was not an adequate response.