Ivanka Trump

Trump Is Finally Almost Done Resigning From His Businesses

Heavily armed police officers stand guard in the rain outside Trump Tower, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016, in New York. (AP/Mary Altaffer)
At a press conference before he took office, then-President-elect Donald Trump said he had signed paperwork “turning over complete and total control” of his business empire to his sons. His lawyer said the more than 400 businesses would be placed in a trust by Inauguration Day.
Now, nearly 100 days later, he’s nearly fulfilled this promise.

Ivanka Trump goes full globalist. Gets booed by hostile crowd in Berlin

Most people will be talking about the crowd booing and hissing at Ivanka Trump during a women’s panel at the W20 Summit in Berlin.
Ivanka Trump praised her father for supporting paid leave policies, and received a hostile reaction from the majority of women in attendance.

“I’m very proud of my father’s advocacy,” she said, calling him “a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive.”

CONFIRMED: Decision to attack Syria influenced by Ivanka Trump

Eric Trump, Donald Trump’s second eldest son has confirmed what many had been suspecting, Ivanka Trump influenced the President of the United States’ decision to attack Syria.
Eric Trump told Britain’s Daily Telegraph,

“I stay out of politics and I stay out of the administration but you can tell he was deeply affected by those images of the children.

5 reasons Donald Trump was born to capitulate

1. Emotional volatility
Most would agree that Trump is a highly emotional personality, some might say an unstable one. Either way, many of his supporters believed he was wise enough to avoid impulsive action of any kind that would threaten the safety and security of America and beyond. It was after all his strong anti-war rhetoric that won him many supporters across the globe.

Ivanka Trump Gets West Wing Office, Security Clearance, & Access To Classified Information

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of President Donald Trump, arrives before a joint news conference with President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, March 17, 2017. (AP/Andrew Harnik)
WASHINGTON — Cementing her role as a powerful White House influence, Ivanka Trump is working out of a West Wing office and will get access to classified information, though she is not technically serving as a government employee, according to an attorney for the first daughter.

5 tweets which reveal Donald Trump’s attitude towards Russia and his actual priorities

With people questioning if Donald Trump may be changing his previously conciliatory tones toward Russia, here are five Tweets that reveal his true feelings and political priorities.

  1. His views on Russia are consistent

I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy – yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no problem!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 7, 2017

What do you say, did Hillary Clinton bust Bill Clinton checking out Ivanka Trump?

Once a dog, always a dog..and while we cannot confirm, former US President Bill Clinton is checking out someone or something pretty intensely.
Social media is on fire, speculating that, that someone is Ivanka Trump.
Who really knows what is going on in Bill Clinton’s head (big and little), but Hillary sure gives him that “stop checking her out” look.