Israeli racisim

A Letter to an Israeli: Kindness and Postage Stamps are not Enough

by Iman Najjar-Annab
Dear on-the-fence-about-the-Occupation, two-state-solution Israeli,
Please stop posting warm fuzzy photos and articles that show moments of kindness between Israelis and “Arabs”. Please, do not post that Belgian postage stamp showing the beginning of a bad joke, a priest a rabbi and an imam. Please stop pontificating about Arab/Muslim extremism being the root of the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Roots of Netanyahu’s Electoral Victory:  Colonial Expansion and Fascist Ideology


Netanyahu has established the fact that Israel and its people embrace a racist ideology and receive the endorsement of most Western leaders, and mass media and the unconditional support of its overseas fifth column.

“It is always a meritorious deed to get hold of a
Palestinian’s possessions” The code of Jewish Law revised and updated
by Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel Goes to the Polls – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

Cartoon Photo by Amos Biderman (Courtesy

The biggest losers are the Jews. The fact that the behavior of Netanyahu and his allies is repeatedly endorsed by a significant number of Jews inside and outside of Israel confirms that, except for the Holocaust, Zionism is the worst thing to happen to Jews and Judaism in the modern era. It has tied a people and a religion to a racist political ideology that is a variant on the criminal practice of apartheid. 


The Liberal Zionist Dilemma – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson  

You simply cannot adhere to the principle of universal civil and political rights and, at the same time, support a Zionist state. To do so is to involve oneself in a contradiction. The liberals are being forced to face this fact. And, as this happens, they will have to make a real choice: cease being Zionist or cease adhering to the liberal ideal. I suspect that, along with Ari Shavit, most of them will decide to “stand with the damned.”


by Dr. Lawrence Davidson


Zionist lying unchecked

Image above: Israeli bombing of Gaza. “The state of Israel has turned the occupied territories of Palestine into permanent death camps,” said South Africa’s ruling party The African National Congress (ANC).



The handling of the tortured and burned Palestinian child shed more light on Israeli racism, but equally important is exposing the complicity of US media as a favourite outlet for unchecked Zionist liying to cover up Israeli crimes.