Israeli police violence

Caught on camera: Israeli police beating 15yo cousin of murdered Palestinian teen

RT | July 5, 2014 A shocking video, showing Israeli police officers savagely beating 15-year-old Palestinian-American Tarek Abu Khdeir – cousin of Mohammad Abu Khdeir who was burnt alive in East Jerusalem – has prompted outrage in the Palestinian community. The video shows two officers striking the detainee, who was handcuffed and lying on the […]

Caught on camera: Israeli police beating 15yo cousin of murdered Palestinian teen

RT | July 5, 2014 A shocking video, showing Israeli police officers savagely beating 15-year-old Palestinian-American Tarek Abu Khdeir – cousin of Mohammad Abu Khdeir who was burnt alive in East Jerusalem – has prompted outrage in the Palestinian community. The video shows two officers striking the detainee, who was handcuffed and lying on the […]