Israeli oppression

Changing Alliances and the National Interest in the Middle East – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991

By aiding groups like al-Nusra, the Israelis have forfeited any claim on American sympathy (unless, of course, your a U.S. politician who has been captured by the Zionist lobby).


Israeli Settlers Kick a 90 Year Old Out of her OWN home [SHOCKING VIDEO]

Editors Note: This is not an isolated incident.  The ethnic cleansing ,colonial expansion, occupation,  and apartheid policies by the Israeli occupation forces and colonist settlers  against the Palestinian people is conducted on a daily basis .  War crimes are being committed and the west is silent.
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Israeli soldiers arrest 5-year-old Palestinian for throwing stone [VIDEO]

Israeli soldiers arrest 5-year-old Palestinian for throwing stone
Photo by WAFA News Agency
Israeli soldiers detained a 5-year-old Palestinian boy in the West Bank for two hours for throwing a stone, threatened his family with arrest, before handcuffing and blindfolding his father, an Israeli human rights NGO reported Thursday.